Been talking with my mom, and considering some things such as my planns for next year, to make things better for me. I've been thinking about moving back in with her. In doing so i'll be able to get a car, take courses outside of school for more education to my future occupation, work, and go to a school which will be much closer. Which means that i'll be going to Sullavin Heights for my grad year. Thinking about switching schools now, isn't a big deal with me. Grad year is supposed to be the best right? So i'll make the best of it, with the new people/ classmates i'll be grading with. Plus school is supposed to help me with things for the future right? So maybe this will be a good choice because they have a good educational program, and an INSANE arts program. It will help alot for attending schools after highschool. The 2 parts thats kinda brining me down about this is that i'll be even further away from everybody/everything, and that I know I won't be seeing my dad as much. But with being a little bit further I guess wont be so bad since transit wont be a problem because i'll be getting a car. And also if I get a car, I can see my dad when I please. But I honestly don't know how much time i'm going to be putting into that, thought I want to, I know myself, and how I would deal with these things. I'll say it, and do it, but not as offten as I plan to.

THEN AGAIN.. this is all things that i'm just considering. Though I know i'll have to make the final decission sooner than I think. I got less than a year to decide. I just have to wait because my decission will be based on the senarios that i'll be encountering durring the time that I have left yet to decide. For now, I just got to make the best of what ever I have now, that I might not have next year.

Its either This or That.

Just something else to think about for the rest of the time I have yet to decide.

"Sing like you know the words, Dance like nobodies watching, and Love like it wont hurt." -unknown