current mood: muy buena

Estoy muy muy contenta. Yo no se porque, yo apenas estoy. Todos es gran. ¿El sol es brillante, si? Yo tengo que limpiar la casa. Pero que no problemo, por que estoy ameroso el sol! Tus muchas gracias por escuchas. Ciao!

Yeah i miss the summer, the sand, the water, and especially the sun. I can't believe i actually got a sun burn last summer. What kinda flip gets a sunburn? I'm not sure, but this summer i'll be currful :) Sunburns hurt way to much, i'm not going to go through the sticky a** lotion and sleeping unevenly again!I'm so glad the sun is starting to come out. Its been gone for too hella damn long. 6 more months & 11 more days. "Watch out, cas is on the road!" Yeeeah. Summer should be good. Summer should be reaaal guuuuud. BUT plenty of good things to come before then. Like...

-Gets a job
-School, duh!
-PRACTICE driving ...ALOT
-Spring break conf. plan (?)
-Take curr of my shh
-Dance stuff
-Goal of finally finishing my painting

Many places to go, lots to do, much to take care of.


Poetry contest? Free entry? Free prizes? Okay.

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