the weekend

-new ps3!
Thats right, my daddy bought a ps3 friday night. He really wanted it for blueray, but i'm waiting on games. So far we only got this one racing one, cause it was free. But you know, we just got it. Yay!

-sorry justin
Yeah all us SSS surrey kids wanted to go, we just had no ride. Exactly why i can't wait to start driving! But about that joke, i'm SO sorry. I did mean it when i said it, it was just funny so i was laughing at the same time. Haha it was pretty funny though. JP&Jerome made me do it. Haha sorry.

-lola is back
Finally! Family get togethers always a little different when your not here. BUT your back, so that cool. I'll see you soon.

-still a chance for me to go to Worlds/Vegas!
(no further information until i get a notice)

-earls party
What a night, huh? i haven't been intoxicated since... well lets just say its been a hell of a while, which is a good thing. Met a lot of new people. Earl, don't you love your golden candle? :) Thanks. Stupid break down, but talked it out. Thanks Joe/Queen. Chilling by the fire was the best part. It was like the after party for just the kids who were crashing. Crashed, with the other 20 billion people (hyperbole). People were everywhere. Good party Earl, good party.

-sick stylz symphony
Next morning of earls party, & we all woke up so early. Bussed with Tyrel, Moben, Young, & Antonio. Went to subway, met with Anthony & headed to richmond. Yes we weren't late :) Doing a krump routine so early from the next day of a party.. shoot that was tough. Almost made it all the way through practice, but burnt out at the end. Ride home, thanks g for not driving like a mad man this time :). Made it home safely, showerd & crashed.

-strawberries & cream <3
Been eating this every day :) YUM

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