Wow i forgot what shopping was like.


alright i'm back.
i should be sleeping right now since i open tomorrow morning but i just got home and i've been meaning to get this edition out for sometime, but i just needed for this to happen 1st.

Here it is. So many things have been up and coming in my life, and good things too. New things. Been going through new things, feelings new feelings, getting new gear, doing new ish, and just feeling fresh ( yeah yeah i know "feeling fresh" , very over used but thats honestly how i've been feeling). Life's good. I'm happy. I can say that, and know that its so true that it feels good to say it. When someone asked me how i was doing this week, i told them like i usually do and said, "i'm good" and thats when i had an epiphany. I realised that things are good, not the greatest, not amazing, not super, but good. Good as in happy, as in satisfying, as in taking everything as it is worth and nothing for granted. Life is good.

I've been keeping organized with my life. Having my schedule is a big deal to me. With out it i'm a bit lost. Yeah sometimes i have to work in friends into my schedule, but it works out and i make the most of my days off. I had too much time on my hands before starting to work. And i was pretty stupid with it. But when things go according to plan, its like you have nothing to worry about cause things are going the way things are supposed to. Not that i wouldn't mind some inconveniences along the way cause it could be handled, but it just feels better that way.
With this whole planning thing, i've been having my own time as well. Now i'm making my time worth it.

Missing my usual hobbies so i thought i should get back to that. Especially drawing. I understand i lost my touch with words, so i don't exactly bother trying to write anymore. But i keep practicing with my drawings and doodles. And as for dance.. well i've been practicing in the studio here and there, so im good with that. Haha i made a new move yesterday. Its a pretty fly move. I'm proud. But i think i'm already over rating it haha. :)

And now since i've been getting back to myself, i've also been realizing things i should have realised long long time ago. I guess i already knew it, i just never took the initiative to take self control and do something about it. But having this time got me thinking. Thinking about how i react to things, or actually how i shouldn't be reacting to things. Seeing the differences between my NEEDS and my WANTS. Thus showing me how i should strive and think more about my needs and leaving my wants to being only a privilege. Again, not taking the things that i want and have for granted.

Going on with needs and wants, got me thinking. I think i would like to see a major debate about "is money really something we need in life?". Now that would be a crazy debate (man i miss philosophy class). I think money is something we DON'T need, but in today's society its almost mandatory if we want to survive this crazy world. But i have to say, i like having my money. It feels so good to be earning it again :) ahhh. I feel just a bit more free when i have a bit of cash money on me (shiit eh, looks like i still got my writing skills, haha ;) only joking.)

Alright so i must confess, i haven't been spending my money as wisely as i COULD be, but i meen its my 1st paycheck in a LONG time. "what chu want me to do, i'm sawrrie". But seriously i almost forgot what shopping was like. Constant new clothes. Ahh boy it feels good. Lots of compliments, haha make me blush and ish, shoot, stop it ;) okay .. go 'head. Haha.

OH and lastly, BRAND NEW HAIR CUT!
SO i finally cut my long hair. Oh my. I've had long hair almost my whole life. Almost. I've always wanted to cut my hair short. I said it almost every summer of high school, but i always kept putting it off cause i kept saying that i wanted long hair for grad. But i went to grad this year had my hair long luscious and curly so why not for my grad have it completely different. Why not right? It'll be something different-ish, and new-ish. Haha, well at least not typical :)

She tied my hair with a rubber band, like a low pony-tail. Then she braided it, and then tied the end with another pony-tail. And then, she started to cut. All i could hear was the sound of my hair being cut off. It didn't effect me until the last cut. *CHOP* and my long hair was all gone. Right then my heart sank a little. Honestly, i felt it. Haha it was so weird. I was already shocked with how short it was when she cut it off, and then she started cutting more! Oh man, i just kept thinking to myself, it'll look better in the end. And well it did :D haha i was a little bit insecuurr about it at 1st, but the more compliments i got, the more i felt good about it. Each and everyone who has said anything about my hair made me feel a little it more better. Thank You! But the biggest thank you to my ATE. Awesome birthday gift. Totally worth the 70bucks. BIG UPS TO CHASTHY, the artist with the scissors and AXIS for the location.

Anyone know where i can donate my hair?

Anyways its hella late and i got to get some rest.

New Shit
New attitude
New look
New Me

& proud of it.

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

i like your short hurr