Just Another Saturday

Late friday night + early saturday morning = tired as fck!

KILLBEATS was fun. Getting there was hectic. Something was up with the skytrain.. virn's pretty good at impersonating B.W.W.s haha... and we were late. Got home 'round 1130, thank goodness i didn't have to bus, thank you Fearless! Didn't sleep till, 12something...

ALARM went off at 8am, shower, get ready, go to worrk. Saturday at the mall was pretty damn busy, nothing unusual. Off at 5. SESH? Nope, too tired. Still did a bit of groovin' though, haha gts on the train. Yeah so what if people were watching, they enjoyed it ! Had to stay dt.. went to chapters, BOUGHT A BOOK! wow me! Picked up. Hello BigBurr.. no drinks for me thanks. Family Guy was pretty histerical. Can't wait until i'm legal! We'll keep in touch, you'll see.

Yep.. just another saturday.
Sanks RAWB for the MashHall tee!

It Just Feels Good

Walking early in the cold,
but sunny morning to school
Getting to school right on time.
Finishing the day.
Strolling in the rain
with an umbrella.
Dressing up.
Looking pro.
Going through a good interview.
Getting hired!

All of it.. just feels good. Here I go again, trying to do as much as i can, putting all this pressure on myself. It's all within reason, but i just know its going to get hard at times. Working at Big Ridge durring the week days, Aritzia on the weekends, School through the whole week, Dance Team every Tuesday and Friday, and Sick Stylz every Thursday & Sunday. Damn...

But through all of this, and knowing what it's going to be like, i'm really happy i got my sht together.

'Cause you know... its not worth it unless you're happy.

Ode to You

I could quote the whole song "Just like a Star" by Corrine Bailey Rae, and dedicate it to you,
but i think it would sound a little vague & cliche. So here...

"Just like an angel off the page,
You have appeared to my life,
Just like a song in my heart,
[I'm] honoured to love you.
Still I wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this,
With anyone but you,
[& still] we do it all the time.

It's not a secret anymore,
'cause we've been through that before,
From tonight I know that you're the only one,
I've been confused and in the dark,
Now I understand

Now i can honestly dedicate this found poem i've created from her, that song. I mean every bit of it.
There is a lot we both take for granted in this relationship. But there is even more in this relationship that we take into consideration. We do not realize it now, maybe because we don't always see it, or say it. But that's what i love about us. We don't need to say it, or always show it, because we already know deep down how we feel. Every once in a while we still stress each other out about silly little things, but that doesn't effect us. No it does not. We find our solution and we leave the rest of it behind us. We get through a lot don't we. & look at us now, we're strong as hell ( well maybe you more than me.. haha you know me). I have my weak spots, but i can say that i have gotten much stronger than before, and i can honestly say thank YOU for making me like this. I don't need to analyze every little detail and over think everything. You helped me, and I thank you. But through everything, i still want to show you my all. That i'm worth sticking around for. Not because i have to prove myself to you, but because i want to. Because i think this would be a good time for that. You said before "the funny thing is, you haven't even seen the best of me, and i haven't seen the best of you... yet.". Well, let me show you. I'll be doing so well that you will think that its the best of me.. but then prove to you that it gets better. Haha.. it's weird, becauase you're making me want to do better, and making me feel happy just by thinking about what things will be like.. and how things have been like. Optomistic, like how things used to be.

Lastly i want to say thank YOU, for inspiring me to write like this again. To write with a purpose. Yeah.. you inspired me.

Hate you Homeboy.
Ode to this CITYSAND,

Ode to US,
Ode to YOU.

On another note...
this is really awesome.
Watch it.

PS: If you all didn't already know, today is in fact the last day of Summer. Good bye Summer.


This is exactly why i don't want to talk about this shit with you.

I don't want to hear it.