It Just Feels Good

Walking early in the cold,
but sunny morning to school
Getting to school right on time.
Finishing the day.
Strolling in the rain
with an umbrella.
Dressing up.
Looking pro.
Going through a good interview.
Getting hired!

All of it.. just feels good. Here I go again, trying to do as much as i can, putting all this pressure on myself. It's all within reason, but i just know its going to get hard at times. Working at Big Ridge durring the week days, Aritzia on the weekends, School through the whole week, Dance Team every Tuesday and Friday, and Sick Stylz every Thursday & Sunday. Damn...

But through all of this, and knowing what it's going to be like, i'm really happy i got my sht together.

'Cause you know... its not worth it unless you're happy.

1 comment(s):

arjel ace rivera said...

cooongraats homie