Just Another Saturday

Late friday night + early saturday morning = tired as fck!

KILLBEATS was fun. Getting there was hectic. Something was up with the skytrain.. virn's pretty good at impersonating B.W.W.s haha... and we were late. Got home 'round 1130, thank goodness i didn't have to bus, thank you Fearless! Didn't sleep till, 12something...

ALARM went off at 8am, shower, get ready, go to worrk. Saturday at the mall was pretty damn busy, nothing unusual. Off at 5. SESH? Nope, too tired. Still did a bit of groovin' though, haha gts on the train. Yeah so what if people were watching, they enjoyed it ! Had to stay dt.. went to chapters, BOUGHT A BOOK! wow me! Picked up. Hello BigBurr.. no drinks for me thanks. Family Guy was pretty histerical. Can't wait until i'm legal! We'll keep in touch, you'll see.

Yep.. just another saturday.
Sanks RAWB for the MashHall tee!

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