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Flight of the Conchords

It's pretty funny.

I've been having creative blocks and it completely disables me from making any good ideas for my big art projects. So i've decided to go back to basics. Meaning, doodling in class, and simply testing out other things. 

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Engrish 12 - All we did was watch group presentations so its not like this distracted me from anything important.

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I call this one "Trapped in my room" because i was at the time i created this. I like water paints. But I'm not quite sure if they like me just yet... 
(and yes i know his hand it messed)

I've been doing some more doodlings but they're on the covers of my binders.

I'm getting there.

To love is an active verb.

//I love the city.
//I'm in love with the sand.

Friday; Trying to weigh out the pessimistic side of life

The hardest part of the day now is getting out of bed. I don't know exactly why this is but that's just the way it goes. But today was harder than usual. Last night wasn't a nightmare. It was, just unreal. I woke up feeling so shtty that I didn't even want to go to school. I knew that I would feel even worse if i didn't go, so i went anyways.

I was supposed to get in early to finish up an assignment that i needed to hand in. The time it would have taken me to walk to the bus stop wait and get to school would be the same amount of time it would have taken me to walk the whole way. So i saved myself a dollar seventy-five and took a nice walk in the morning cold. It was actually starting to wash away my morning shtty feeling. But i still felt pretty bad.

Worked on my assignment before 1st bell rang, and went through BLK.A finishing up the same assignment. I got it finished on time to hand in for BLK.B. English wasn't as bad as it usually was. I actually don't remember what we did in class, but at least it wasn't bad enough for me to remember, thats the only part that matters. Humm, my memory seems to be getting worse. I'm starting to forget things much easier :( . As i was saying, english was alright.

Here we go, LAW; CHAPTER 5/6 TEST. I was not as prepared as i wanted to be, so i took the time to lock myself in the library during the lunch period to study and take some notes. Luckily for me it actually Helped. I believe there were only 2 questions that i had guessed on, so i am almost certain that i'll be getting an A. It was getting closer to the end of the day, but even with the day being filled with things to do I was some how unfortunate, but able to remember the shtty feeling that started my day.

With all the extra little zone out moments i had to myself all i would think of is how am i going to fix it this time? Till an hour ago i still had no clue. I wouldn't have figured it out if you didn't call.

I really wasn't expecting a call from you anytime soon by the way things ended the night before. All i knew was that like trying to get sober, this dilemma needed time. But i guess it just really needed productive use of time. You thought things through more genuinely than i have. As if my brain had hit a wall and made like it was in "writers block".

I have to say, i really look up to you for making the call on this one. I wasn't expecting you to be as civil as you are. I understand that you are doing better with making your decisions based on what will work best, rather than letting your rage of emotions decide for you at the moment. You're really making things more clear for the both of us. And it really helped take a load of my shoulders, probably more than you think.

I still have the right to feel shtty, but you being the bigger man about things are making me want to feel shtty in a good way. I know it kind of contradicts itself, but thats the best way to explain it right now.

You've said it before, but I want to say it this time...

"[You] got [me]"

you really do.

Good job cas, Good FUCKING job.

do it again. I DARE YOU.
Don't even try, you'll just do it again anyways right?

I don't want to be that person anymore.
How do you change a mistake you don't
even know you're making? I'm helpless.

This will be fixed.
I will help this.
There will be change.

I can't say how yet, and I can't say when.
But i'm sure of it. I am.

I p.. i pr...

.. you know the rest.

Wow i hate procrastinating. 

HATE,... not dislike, HATE

what's wrong with me?
stop thinking.

What's the good in goodbye? 


Especially when you don't really know when the next time you'll be saying hello. 


she said what i was thinking

It's not so easy loving me it gets so complicated all the things you've gotta be. Everything's changin, but you're the truth I'm amazed by all your patience everything I put you through. When I'm about to fall somehow you're always waitin with your open arms to catch me. You're gonna save me from myself.
My love is tainted by your touch. Some guys have shown me aces, but you've got that royal flush. I know it's crazy everyday, well tomorrow may be shaky, but you never turn away. Don't ask me why I'm cryin, cause when I start to crumble you know how to keep me smiling. You always save me from myself. You're gonna save me from myself. I know it's hard, but you've broken all my walls. You've been my strength, so strong, and don't ask me why I love you it's obvious your tenderness is what I need to make me a better woman to myself You're gonna save me from myself.


:D .. wow

I've been talking about this dude for some time now, and i cannot express how infatuated i am with him. Haha, just listen to his laugh! I've never heard his voice till nov.5. And i'm not going to forget it. This video may not be mine, or for me, or have anything to do with me, but .. i don't even know. I guess it just shows how down to earth this guy really is. He took the time to stop and talk to a random guy on the phone, how nice is that? Honestly i did't expect the jabba boys to be that nice. But they were so sincere about everything. So polite, so well mannered. It was a bit of a surprise but also a huge relief, since i was so very intimidated.

Next time i know i'm going to meet someone i look up to, i have to prepare what i'm going to say, cause i was to overwhelmed by Josephs presence!

I respect him for his passion and creativity for dance, i respect his love for his family and his friends, and i respect him for his trust in god.

You are truely a blessing and i'm i don't even know a word to describe this, but i'm SO SO ______ that i got to meet you!

That's what he said

Yep, the very own PETER TAYLOR that made this shirt <3>