anger management, NO THANKS I`LL BLOG!


Wow, i haven't felt that good about hearing an alarm before. The mens rea of what the alarm means; what it will bring. TWO STRAIGHT WEEKS OF NOT ATTENDING SCHOOL WITHOUT GETTING IN TROUBLE. 

You know its always good when there`s an ending. Since there`s always going to be a new beginning. Like the end of a fight. Or the end of school, or the end of work, etc. etc.. Endings are just good.. cause you know what`s coming up. Well, most of the time.

This winter break best be good. You know, a lot of sleeping, a lot of good times, a lot of memories maybe, a lot of ``Hey whats up, its been a while`` and all that good stuff. 

The prior weeks have been hell. I think this has been my worst year with me and my parents. If i had a dime for everytime i`ve gotten in trouble. HA! Wouldn`t that be something. But don`t misunderstand. I don`t like getting in trouble or do it on purpose, or proud of it in anyway. I hate it actually. The guilt the most. Thats what truly hits me. Thats when i stop, thats when i know my limit. When it hurts so bad, that its not even an option anymore. Its just an automatic STOP, DON`T BE STUPID. You know the whole `fight fire with fire` is total bs. Say i was the 1st fire, if anyone were to ever try to ``fight`` (metaphorically speaking) me with my own medicine then i`m just going to go crazy... (not metaphorically speaking, some of you know what i mean). But if you were to use a different method (say `water`again metaphorically speaking) then i`d be like oh, damn i shouldn`t have been so stupid and crazy. My bad. Its just the way things are you know. This equation has been proven many times. And i bet that you can think of a situation where you`ve been in this kind of method before. Don`t lie. 

Do you know how much you piss me off. A lot! You should have said something. If there is ever a time where we cross paths and somethings up at the time. Don`t be shocked to see me up in your face. I am not afraid to speak up and direct. I`m not going to pretend that i like you, or that you don`t bother me. You do. So if i ask you something, don`t front. Cause that will just make me more mad. 

HUM.. i don`t think i`ve ever publicized that side of me. Or have really shown it to anyone in person (besides that one time). But yeah i`m not really like that. Only if you do something thats going to distract my daily life routines. Then yeah, its going to bother me, and you`re not going to be on my good side. 

So winter break. Well tmr i`m supposed to take a workshop tmr with Carmen. Lets see if i make it on time. And FightBeforeChristmas is tmr too. I`ll probably be attending that. Have my moments of  `hey! i haven`t seen you in a while, whats up` and all that good stuff. And lastly do some Christmas Shopping. Gotta make my list tonight. 1 down, lots to go. 

Oh and to you guys in bed. Just tell me why, or why not. Don`t say something and don`t give me a reason. Cause im not going to believe it. Im not going to say anything TODAY.. cause you know. Thats just not cool. But i`ll wait a day or two. I`ll be civil. Theres no point getting worked up over this. I shouldnt have been surprised, but for somereason i thought you guys might have changed. Guess not. Sleepy heads get out of bed, start living in the real world.

humm.. that was an angry blog. Oh well. Someone cheer me up. 

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

`hey! i haven`t seen you in a while, whats up?