Rocked Loves Balance

We're just to good to be true. So we're false. A false misunderstanding to what the world may view us as. But not to what we view and know ourselves as. We know what's going on. We don't have certain titles to document our storyboard. But our storyboard is written in ink. Ink because while everything happens its stays like that forever, and we cannot go back and change things with just an eraser. In this life, there are no erasers, just mistakes. But thats what conclusions are for. Conclusions that usually come with a solution. But just because there is a conclusion it doesn't always mean that there is going to be an ending. We seem to find conclusions that never really leaves anything behind. And then later on what ever baggage we had before we add more to it and go back to things we've already gone through. Yet we find more solutions that we haven't found the first time. I don't know how., but we just do. Lets try not to carry this baggage anymore, lets try not to rock loves balance. We know more now than we did the 1st time through. And we're still learning. So no matter how badly unbalanced this love becomes, the 2nd time through will make it all worth while.

1 comment(s):


HAHAHA!!! your comment made me LOL :$ .. if only.. my blackberry bold.. I'd like, praise myself!! hahaha. oh you're too funny