I love my Ho

Serena HO that is.

How good are we at waisting a whole day?
Well, lets look back shall we?

-asian version of Shutter
-& asian version of One Missed Call
-Step it up 2
-the 1st episode of The Hills :)
Ate food
Watched TV
Chilled with Ian
Went to langly & worked out
then drank Red Bull (stupid move)
Ate MCDs
& Didn't sleep till way to early in the am

Verdict : Very!
Asian movies are WAY more scarey than the american versions.
I miss getting scared to scarey movies :)
Thats that GOOD SHII

go with what ever comes my way.

seriously it sucks when plans change, i think its my pet peeve. yeah no more making plans for me. i'll just go with what ever comes my way.

last few days of spring break not so great. maybe tomorrow will be better.

3rd wheel sucks. it never bothered me before, maybe its just cause i missed you. should i tell them? no, let them have their fun.

new project being worked on :)

old project coming along

new conversations always fun

doing alot of things to get me going

yay :)

"these kids are really fcking cool"

Oh those americans.

Day was turning into night. Their family came up all the way from LA/San Diego. Akward? Just a bit at first. BUT it was a their family party, so eventually we had to settle in with each other. Jed "Jedi", Andrea "Dudes" ;) & the little brother.

"Hi auntie, hi uncle".. Yeah their not family their just your familys friends haha.

An obvious topic.. Canada vs US engrish.
-pop / soda
-washroom / bathroom
-off the wall / against the wall
-pronunciation of "against" haha!

Its always fun meeting new people, especially teaching each other new things. Games are so funny, especially when you put them all together & someone has the hardest time figuring it out haha!

"Listen did the dog die? *BANG* Who killed the dog? How many times did the dog die?"

Playing those games were fun before, but teaching them to new people, and putting all the games together was historical!

-*fart noise* .. what was that all about ? ¿
-simply drawing, you belong in LA, you should move there
-Dudes stop texting your boyfriends bestfriend on your 5 months ! haha
-what its already 3: in the am?

Later americans.
Till we meet again..


stayed home.. damnit. Missed the meeting >:(

LOVE taking naps durring the day when the sun is just shining through the window on your face, in your warm bed, everything's organized, and you just feel SOOooOooOOO happy/relaxed/chill/good.

Dinner with nicasio's family @ the Jumanji house ;) . JACOB, you little cutie! Food was insane. Oh look my nails are pink.

Ahh good day.


Just something to look forward to :)

Let me ramble..

I want to teach so bad.
Seriously serena, we're doing it this summer, I SWEAR :D !
I love dancing.
I miss dancing.
I wanted to teach, and compete a duo, or trio, or even a group.
Oh wait I am in one.
I just wanted to teach..
-So its taking all spring break. BUT i'm still paciently waiting.
-i don't like strangers in my house
-my phone is messed
-I love dunies, but i love free ones better

GOTs this........................................WANTs this.
-notebooks are so useful
-i don't think i've taken one picture this spring break :S
-i got fun dip today. i haven't gotten it in so long
-"my last 1st kiss" tamia live, SO GOOD!

Yeah the days not over..yet, but so far it hasn't been the greatest. Why make plans if your not going to go through with them? *sigh*

Huh i forgot what the date was till now.

Oh my..

Oh my...i strongly dislike when plans suddenly change
& i strongly dislike when i waist my money on stupid shh.

stick to the plan.

Oh my ... how could i forget about the 1st group with their hidden identity (masks). You might be thinking of Jaba.. but no, this group Prepix had no idea about Jaba, especially being on the other side of the world (practically). But their mask, was a one time thing, and their creativity is so original. You'll see what i mean with the 2nd video. <3

How attractive
Cassius99, love this song.

patiently waiting...

stay calm, it will come.

a day in the break of spring

[See what i just did there? I switched it up, just like what i did with my day yesterday!]

I get so nervous is not even funny. But i did it :) yay me. Wednesday here i come :$

Guildford is almost like my hometown. Went over to a friends place, got kinda bored but then he showed me book and i discovered a new (to me) /old artist. Yeah stencil graffiti is already cool, but the way Banksy does it... he just takes it to another level. So much inspo. He's so talented, but all the credits goes to an anonymous Banksy. Genius.

Sitting in the food court with the 3 others, and this mother and her baby sit at the table next to us. I look over at the little boy, and he looks and me and has the cuttest smile on his face. The weird but cute thing about it was that his smile was like one of those smiles that guys do when they're trying to hit on a girl. It was so STRANGE, but so so so CUTE. He looked over at miko, and then gave him the most evil look. Crazy, i know! But the four of us kept looking at him and he just kept smiling. You could just see that he Loved the attention. He was so cute, especially with his little young Jackson curls. Adorable.

[Lets see.. bus; catch up; skytrain; reminisce; bus; rockband; eat; rockband; chill; poetry slam]

My first live Poetry Slam @ Cafe Deux Soleil. I was so stoked for the whole day to see what it would be like. I kinda had high expectations, but i thought it was pretty cool from seeing, listening, and being at this Cafe with hard core poets. These people that performed have no shyness for being infront of an audience and putting it ALL OUT there. Mostly all of them used free-verse, and they really knew what they we're saying. I loved the way their range of vocabulary was so unlimited and the way they just put it all together. It was pretty crazy. But finally, Mr. Arevalo had his turn. He was so nervous before he got on, but when he started speaking into the mic, he owned his words, and sucked you into his story. "Mr. Imagination" became an image in your mind. I'm proud of you Francis. You've gone a long way since the 8th grade. Its gonna be hard topping your 1st performance. *snap snap snap snap*


Another good day.

For the moment

Is it that time ? Or am i just tired?
I think i'm just tired

It must be, because the sun is out
but the mood ain't right.

Its just the begining

Whaddup spring break?
How does spring break get any better?
Oh yeah, NO homework. Already such a good start.

Happy Birthday Karl!
Boston pizza has dumb waitresses, but we also have kinda dumb friends, it's okay Stanley. Go ahead, tell Karl the surprise. Over all, food was good. We're we supposed to wait? Oops, so sorry :S. Went over to the mall. Wow, FREE DINNER & CANDY. Free anything is actually pretty good. Hope you enjoyed the rest of the night Karl.

I know i've been planning alot of things with people and to hang out this spring break, but i didn't plan to see so many people the 1st day. Especially in the small town of Guildford. Good place to be. After running into running into a missed-friend (kucha#2) the rest of my plans for the night changed. Man i totally forgot how good Coyote Ugly is. The love story in that movie is really cute. Oh and about forgetting things, i almost forgot about Passion. "Well Done" was like the song of the night. I don't know exactly how to explain but, songs like that are so... heartfelt and in a way inspiring.


Hope you know that we are getting through this, and we both have been taking all of this at the right pace and tempo. But I don't know what happen the other day. Things weren't clicking. I don't know what it was, or if it was anything at all. It was just a speed bumb, thats all. Hope your good with this. I just want to get by this, and keep going with where we were at. We know we can do this, because we've been through way worst before. Anyways.. just thought you should know what i've thinking.

Hey, you know what. You're doing good.
I'm proud of you. I've been seeing that
you've managed to not let everything
bother you, and just let things go. You
got it over with. You stuck though. Shoot
I'm hella proud of you. Hang in there,
You're good. You can almost feel that
point where happiness is all that is.
"Troubles... whats that?" You giggle now but
you'll be asking that question soon enough.
Good job. Keep doing what you're doing.
Cause you right there & only you can do this.

Just to busy

I've been to busy for alot of things right now. For example, using BS (fyi bs=blogspot).

How'd it become so hectic anyway?

Daily routine?
Now just an old lost mean,
But a mean that once ment to keep things organized.

With the obstacles that have been put before me
They hold me down, but at the same time hurt thee,
& they've now become the everyday goal, just to get by

eff it, i'm tired i'll finish some other time.
to busy right now

had a crazy good day. and i was looking forward to going to bed.
last minuet change of planns, kinda just ruiened my mood for the

yah tmr.