Let me ramble..

I want to teach so bad.
Seriously serena, we're doing it this summer, I SWEAR :D !
I love dancing.
I miss dancing.
I wanted to teach, and compete a duo, or trio, or even a group.
Oh wait I am in one.
I just wanted to teach..
-So its taking all spring break. BUT i'm still paciently waiting.
-i don't like strangers in my house
-my phone is messed
-I love dunies, but i love free ones better

GOTs this........................................WANTs this.
-notebooks are so useful
-i don't think i've taken one picture this spring break :S
-i got fun dip today. i haven't gotten it in so long
-"my last 1st kiss" tamia live, SO GOOD!

Yeah the days not over..yet, but so far it hasn't been the greatest. Why make plans if your not going to go through with them? *sigh*

Huh i forgot what the date was till now.

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

yeah you got it, fashion is right. oh congrats on the interview! oOo you're gonna work downtown...? good luck dude haha its gonna be intense in the store during summer. but you got it for sure, they like cute lil girls that can dress themselves.

JAYBEAST said...

Yeah man. :) HAHA those Dunies are dope.