a day in the break of spring

[See what i just did there? I switched it up, just like what i did with my day yesterday!]

I get so nervous is not even funny. But i did it :) yay me. Wednesday here i come :$

Guildford is almost like my hometown. Went over to a friends place, got kinda bored but then he showed me book and i discovered a new (to me) /old artist. Yeah stencil graffiti is already cool, but the way Banksy does it... he just takes it to another level. So much inspo. He's so talented, but all the credits goes to an anonymous Banksy. Genius.

Sitting in the food court with the 3 others, and this mother and her baby sit at the table next to us. I look over at the little boy, and he looks and me and has the cuttest smile on his face. The weird but cute thing about it was that his smile was like one of those smiles that guys do when they're trying to hit on a girl. It was so STRANGE, but so so so CUTE. He looked over at miko, and then gave him the most evil look. Crazy, i know! But the four of us kept looking at him and he just kept smiling. You could just see that he Loved the attention. He was so cute, especially with his little young Jackson curls. Adorable.

[Lets see.. bus; catch up; skytrain; reminisce; bus; rockband; eat; rockband; chill; poetry slam]

My first live Poetry Slam @ Cafe Deux Soleil. I was so stoked for the whole day to see what it would be like. I kinda had high expectations, but i thought it was pretty cool from seeing, listening, and being at this Cafe with hard core poets. These people that performed have no shyness for being infront of an audience and putting it ALL OUT there. Mostly all of them used free-verse, and they really knew what they we're saying. I loved the way their range of vocabulary was so unlimited and the way they just put it all together. It was pretty crazy. But finally, Mr. Arevalo had his turn. He was so nervous before he got on, but when he started speaking into the mic, he owned his words, and sucked you into his story. "Mr. Imagination" became an image in your mind. I'm proud of you Francis. You've gone a long way since the 8th grade. Its gonna be hard topping your 1st performance. *snap snap snap snap*


Another good day.

3 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

i just noticed that pic of us in your slideshow... the one with your floating foot haha. that was a good night

arjel ace rivera said...

banksy... thats what you were talkin about. yeah the whole books dope.

Anonymous said...

ive been busy busy busy with school. i only have a life on the weekend. how bout you? im sure youre busy with school, dance & everything.