Oh those americans.

Day was turning into night. Their family came up all the way from LA/San Diego. Akward? Just a bit at first. BUT it was a their family party, so eventually we had to settle in with each other. Jed "Jedi", Andrea "Dudes" ;) & the little brother.

"Hi auntie, hi uncle".. Yeah their not family their just your familys friends haha.

An obvious topic.. Canada vs US engrish.
-pop / soda
-washroom / bathroom
-off the wall / against the wall
-pronunciation of "against" haha!

Its always fun meeting new people, especially teaching each other new things. Games are so funny, especially when you put them all together & someone has the hardest time figuring it out haha!

"Listen did the dog die? *BANG* Who killed the dog? How many times did the dog die?"

Playing those games were fun before, but teaching them to new people, and putting all the games together was historical!

-*fart noise* .. what was that all about ? ¿
-simply drawing, you belong in LA, you should move there
-Dudes stop texting your boyfriends bestfriend on your 5 months ! haha
-what its already 3: in the am?

Later americans.
Till we meet again..


stayed home.. damnit. Missed the meeting >:(

LOVE taking naps durring the day when the sun is just shining through the window on your face, in your warm bed, everything's organized, and you just feel SOOooOooOOO happy/relaxed/chill/good.

Dinner with nicasio's family @ the Jumanji house ;) . JACOB, you little cutie! Food was insane. Oh look my nails are pink.

Ahh good day.


Just something to look forward to :)

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