= my super weekend

this would have to be the best weekend so far.



-*went to school/worked on doc.
-headed to gford
-*chilled with the boys
-*sickstylz! :)
-headed to jh
-chilled with the girls (imt)
-shopped for na's grad .ish
-swimming @ kitts
-ians palce
-*yellowreebokclasics;thanks (sere)na
-*did na' hair @ 5:30 in the am!
-*dragon boat fest. - face painted
-tired as hell!
-stayed home for the rest of the day
-Jolin's BDAY!
-chilled w/jerome before shift
-*dragon boat fest. - more face&body painting
-*visited by: serena&ian, miko&karl
-headed to ginos


jel, our doc. is looking so sick. i'm proud of us :)
i never heard so much trivia on comiscs before. So much about MARVEL i never knew.
man you don't even understand how much i miss dancing. this skinny a** mirror in my room isn't enough

okay, so it was me & serenas first time going into valuevillage, though i've been wanting to go for some time now, just not alone. we look around and i find this really goodlooking purse for 8bucks, hella cheep, and hella gorgeous! was planning to get it until serena and i check out all the funky shoes they got up on the racks. and what do you know, serena finds a pair of bright yellow shoes in the kids section, just as we were about to make fun of how bright it was, we realise they are high-top reebok classics. & what do you know, THEY WE'RE A PERFECT FIT! we practically jacked the shoes cause theywere only $6.99! thank you serena for finding and buying me last years birthday present. haha i love you bestfriend! (as if we don't say that enough, right?) HAHA!


man for one practice on friday night, we did a pretty good job on picking the hairstyle. honestly its was a little fluke on how good i made you're hair look, especially considering we did it at 6 in the am. when do we ever sleep early, and wake up early? NEVER! i guess that was another 1st for us. anyways you looked gorgeous!
oh my gosh, little kids are SO CUTE. i met so many interesting kids from facepainting. some had the highest voices in the world, with the biggest eyes, and the strangest questions and the cutest remarks. it was funner than i expected.

like i said before, so many interesting people. only the people from sanfran asked for big body paintings. one guy asked for a butterfly on his back, haha it turned out nicer than i thought :) yay me. i'm pretty sure he liked it, he said he would even have that as a tattoo, haha! another said he wanted a dragon! oh my gosh, i have no clue how to draw a dragon rather than paint one. but i still made an attempt. wasn't bad, again turned out better than i thought haha. yay for me.

to the people to made it out to visit, thanks :) haha it honestly made it so much better. last hour of my shift was the best! i painted snoopy&woodstock on mikos abdomen, painted a lizard on karls forearm (i think) and put tats on all of us. haha gts.

maaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, sickstylz bbq was so dope, but we were missing SO many people! that was a seriously long ass play-list with the craziest beats! sessioning like thaat.. i felt like i fell in love all over again! you feel so free, and so right when you hit thoughs beats. HAHA GINO our new move, we're so going to battle one day ! SERIOUSLY! mann, oh mann, oh mann! can't wait for friday ! WOO OPEN STUDIO!!!

What made my whole weekend was the sun peaking through more often than it has in the past few weeks.

I LOVE YOU SUN, please stay all summer.

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

i try :$