you only get it once in a life time

And there it was.


Yeah it wasn't my prom night, but it took me so long just to do my own hair & make up. But it was worth it in the end. I'm really proud of you. Its funny how you kept stressing over credits when you already had more than enough. Each of those credits earned by every class you've been in since grade 8, or you could look at is as 5 years. You worked hard throughout high school and this was your weekend to celebrate. I hope it was just as good as you expected it to be, you deserve it. Hopefully i was a good-enough escort for you. I really did enjoy myself, and i'm glad i stayed for 2nd semester. I have no idea what it would have been like if i didn't stay, and i don't care to imagine. I know i've only been in your life for 2 years, but it almost seems like i've been there ever since, and I hope those 2 years means just as much to you as it does to me. I guess what i'm trying to say is..

thank you for being a big part in my life, and congratulations.

2 comment(s):

arjel ace rivera said...

actually... credits only start from grade 10 through haha
and i look really old and ugly in this picture... i look like my dad

Anonymous said...

haha awww, you guys are so cute. are you guys together ;)