Sup love?

Today I was late for skew. WHY? Well cause I thought that I pressed snooze but accidentally turned it off, oops. We had early dismissal today, so I was pretty happy. Double blocks of Art, lunch, and then double blocks of Photography. I love wednesdays.

Art was productive. I stuck to the usual routine. Come in, sit at the tables, set my stuff down, grab my piece, my tools, the ink and that extra sheet of paper, plug in my ipod, check my phone, msg back anyone who's msged me, and start working. Once I start I try not to get myself destracted cause I don't like starting a project and then loosing concentration. I'd had a few mistakes on this piece already because of my carelessness and misconcentration. But sht happens. Can't wait till its done. I'm actually pretty proud of it :)

LUNCH PERIOD : was spent in the dance room. Riz & I just kinda chilled, listened to music, and caught up with our sittuations, kind of.. haha.

Photography class has been real productive now. I got a lot of shots taken for the "ME & MY WORLD" project we've been working on since the begining of the semester. I guess i could say i'm half way done, but I still got lots of editing to do. Its amazing what you can do on adobe. I've learnt how to use the auto____ buttons today. Haha one of the most easiest things and I didn't really know it existed till today. Makes life a lot easier. We have to take at least 12 different photos, edit them and make sure they have a certain photocomposition to go with it. I've got 5 completed so far. The other pictures are already taken, they've just got to be edited.

Its pretty cool when you look at the before and afters right beside one another. There's one that isn't up here because a certain someone isn't comfortable with it being posted up. Haha i'll get it up eventually but for now these 4 will be available to view.

AFTER SKEW headed to guildford. Missed my 1st bus cause it came early, and what do you know, it was SNOWING. I wouldn't be surprised if we had a tornado come in. Weathers that messed up. But I caught the next 341GUILDFORD, half an hour later. Got to JH by 3:20 or something. Funniest thing happened on the way. I was so stuck on my crackberry that I wasn't watching where I was walking, and then me and my umbrella crashed into a tree that was very low! Haha I felt so embarassed i stopped and looked around to see if anyone saw me. HAHA nobody did! Well at least from what I saw. I rushed into JH cause it was so cold and walked into my exschool. Ahh I miss is so much. Did what we do best. Stayed in the caf and chilled there for quite some time. We played MAFIA. Haha I was the mafia almost everytime! I don't like being mafia, i couldn't come up with good reasons for why i wasn't the mafia haha.

Oh well. Ended up heading to Guildford, eating in the foodcourt, then headed home. Mom didn't know i ate out, so she made me eat again! HOLY, my body cannot take that much food in one hour, but i did it.
I got to stop stuffing myself and indulging in every thing i crave..... CHOCOLATE. Haha everyday.. its horrible. BUT ITS OKAY cause i'm starting to "workout".. not really, just kinda do some things in the morning or before i sleep. I stay fit somehow. But one day my motabolizm will drop. But thats not today so who really cares? :)


Right now

Very into house music right now. Its all I hear at home cause of my brother. But I love it. Its so easy to pop to, actually free style in general. Yeah, house music... Its good!

Saturday was fun?
details and pictures will come soon enough.

Right now my body feels all shaky. Like I drank an energy drink. But I didn't I just was stretching for a really long time and I feel very strange. Awkward actually. Guess I should sleep/ rest. Bye

Right now

Very into house music right now. Its all I hear at home cause of my brother. But I love it. Its so easy to pop to, actually free style in general. Yeah, house music... Its good!

Saturday was fun?
details and pictures will come soon enough.

Right now my body feels all shaky. Like I drank an energy drink. But I didn't I just was stretching for a really long time and I feel very strange. Awkward actually. Guess I should sleep/ rest. Bye

No more

first and foremost, i want to say that i need a major update. but times not on my side at the moment so i got to put that aside for now.

So here it is. Yeah, this is no more. Not saying that i want this. I don't want it to be like this. I want it to be the exact opposite. But forces aren't going to let that happen. I never wanted it to be going down this road, but here i am walking and trying to hard not to look back. I still do and i let little things slide by and excuse some circumstances, but i guess i shouldn't be. You know it too, that's why you do the things you do. Its better that your not letting me in. Even though i wish you would, i'm glad you don't. I fully understand the situation. The way I'm handling it though is another story. Been strong enough to save that roll of toilet paper i would have wasted and bathed in while i slept. Been strong enough to bite my tongue instead of say all the things running through my mind. Been strong enough to keep going with my daily routines with out letting myself get sidetracked by this dilemma running through the back of my mind, and the bottom of my heart. Happiness wont come in on its own. I got to let it in and not block it out with this "lock of problem" i hold the key to. I really hope you know why i did this. Why i'm doing this. I don't want this, but its just how it has to be, unless we really want to keep sinking into this mess of re-runs. Cause if we kept going we'd be locked in infinity. We both know that. Well at least i think we do...

I do miss "[that] type love" (shihan). Remember when you showed me that? And that time you also showed me "every woman." back when things were simple, things were sweet, things were happy. That was then. This is now, and that's what i miss. Or or remember when your parents gave us that talk in their room? Or even when you picked me up every morning before school. Or how about that time "CitySand" was born. Damn.. okay okay i got to stop, i know. Okay hold up, last one...
When people used to ask us how we made our relationship look so good. No drama, no stress. PDA was set at perfect pace. People envied our relationship. We held it down, you got me, and i got you. Or had..

But no more. We know our place. We're friends. We're good. I got to understand that meaning of friendship and hope i don't cross any lines. Haha it happens when you let your feelings get carried away. This is whats right, and what has to be done.

Still do
Hate you.


One of my favorite days of the week. WHY?

its SUNday
Sickstylz Practice
& cause its the end of the week.. or is it the beginning? humm, either way its good.

I did it!

I pulled out the summer attire! 

Nike blazers
TR shorts
AA white tee
La Riva jacket
H&M shades
Hairs tied up, ipod plugged in

I'm set. What's up summer?


(i haven't been able to finish my thoughts in my blogs latley. Why? cause i would have to get off the computer, but i'm going to get it done this time.)

All day, i knew it was going to suck, but at least i didn't feel sad. Not until now at least. Slow songs start playing, but i can't seem to turn it off. This is torture, but i'm holding up. No tears so far, no major pain, just a bit on the down side thats all. Only an hour and a half left...

Woo saaahh, i got this.

How do i describe my emotion in one word?


yup, that would be the best word.
Not letting it happen, nuh uh.
Okay, good job cas. Still an hour and a half to go...


a bit of sun, a bit of sand, a bit of city, a bit of avacado, a bit of chocolate. Sall i need. Yeah

PS: "HE's just not that into me"

i mean her ;)

GOOD MOVIE - very "chick flick" but also funny

Drama Love & 'Lationships.

SHIT WAS GOOD up until yesterday. 1st week of school, i didn't miss a class for the entire week. But friday morning i was late for class (first omen). 2nd block comes around, (dance elite/spare) and we did sht all. As this spare goes on, we all got to talking. Then i found out some bad news (2nd omen). This news really killed it for me.



"And uhh any way you can catch me any day sippin' hennessay.. // .. I'm sitting on the side of the curb with a pocket of herb.."

Was sitting here with Carmen looking for some songs. Thats when we came across this song right here "Make it hot" by Nicole ft. Missy E. This was one of the first songs where i made myself learn the lady rap parts. Haha those lyrics will be forever memorized by heart, seriously. Even though i've known this song since.. gr.5 (about 7 years ago) i've never seen the music video for it till this very day....