(i haven't been able to finish my thoughts in my blogs latley. Why? cause i would have to get off the computer, but i'm going to get it done this time.)

All day, i knew it was going to suck, but at least i didn't feel sad. Not until now at least. Slow songs start playing, but i can't seem to turn it off. This is torture, but i'm holding up. No tears so far, no major pain, just a bit on the down side thats all. Only an hour and a half left...

Woo saaahh, i got this.

How do i describe my emotion in one word?


yup, that would be the best word.
Not letting it happen, nuh uh.
Okay, good job cas. Still an hour and a half to go...


a bit of sun, a bit of sand, a bit of city, a bit of avacado, a bit of chocolate. Sall i need. Yeah

PS: "HE's just not that into me"

i mean her ;)

GOOD MOVIE - very "chick flick" but also funny

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

twas a dope movie