Get any cuter?

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the flight took 4 hours and somewhat mins. What did i get to do? Well besides thinking about being with my bf again and getting excited about Tdot i got a lot of time to read up on The Time Travelers Wife. I have about 20ish pages left, and i have a feeling i'm not going to finish it till i get back because we've been too occupied with being on vacation mode haha. I finally got to meet little Patricia and she is just amazing. Shes cute, beautiful, brilliant, innocent, polite an
d the list just keeps going. She's only 5 (going into kindergarten) and she can already read and speak both English and Tagalog. She was helping me understand this Tagalog book she was reading. I want my baby to be her when I have one. I'll upload photos/videos soon enough. There was already a family party last night. Food was delish, and the family was chill. Kelvin and I watched ratatouille, which was such a cute movie! (And the rat doesn't die hahahaha) it was about 1 or 2 when we started to play monopoly with the rest of the family and the game didn't end until around 3. I think the extra "draw on their face with lipstick if they land on your property" was a smart add it haha. Finally got into bed and we past out like babies.

DAYTWO. (so far..)

Woke up really early, but didn't get out of bed till 1 :). Had a little acoustic/singing session with the uncle, auntie, Patricia, kelvin, and I. It was actually pretty fun, and funny... i can't sing and neither can Kelvin haha. But now we're just chilling till something happens. We leave for Niagara Falls in the morning and wont be back till Tuesday morning.

Currently listening to: Sleepy Brown ft. Outkast - I can't wait

One more day and I get to meet her and see him once again. I need to get out of here for a while and be with him. Saying "I miss you" so many times doesn't help very much until you physically see the person once and for all.
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You know the saying "its funny cause its true" ?

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Its funny when people take things the wrong way and blow it out of proportion, especially when its not even about them.

Its nice when a complete stranger helps you out. (RAK: Random Act of Kindness)

Its rude when you ignore someone.

Its cool when you have someone there, when you need them most or when they say just the right thing ("Who else can ...")

Its horrible when you run out of options

Its distracting when you come across immaturity and insecurity when walking the path of seriousness.

Its annoying when people don't know what they're talking about especially when they haven't gone thru anything close to the sht they're talking about.

Its great when a third eye realizes the situation and understands you.

Its perfect when you realize you're better then this.

"I can see clearly now the rain is gone."
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Clearing my head

Refreshing my thoughts; taking a walk.


Carmen you're finally 17. "Stupid LGs" ! Haha you're funny sweetie.
We've been dancing for more then half our lives, and for the first few years we we're always competing against each other. So many solo dance competitions we went head to head and then the Big Show came along and we got to dance side by side. YET we became one of the main attractions and yet again it was Cas vs. Carmen durring the PNE show. Haha "ain't no other man.." good times my lady. We found our struggling dance lives in the same sittuations and we moved away from the drama and somehow ended up continuing dancing together through sickstylz. And what do you know, we finally got to a duo together. Yeah, no more Cas vs. Carmen.. now its just Cas&Carmen. We were so close to becoming Embraces.. Hahahaha! Stupid Serena had to get her braces off, what a dick.. jk :) But seriously being your partner through dance, and us being Surrey Girls (thank god :P ) we became really close. You were, and are one of my closest girlfriends. We could basically say that we grew up together through dance. You're my dance sister, and forever will be! Thanks a lot hun for that conversation we had tonight. Carmen you're such a great friend. How could I possible just stop dancing now.. thats like breaking up with you! I can't do that! But what we did talk about earlier .. I ment all of it. So I am going to slow it down, but i'll stay dancing. Thanks for the advice hun, and ALL of the girl talks we had at my house and yours! I hope you enjoyed your day as much as you thought you would. I love you Carmen. You know i'm always here for you.

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"You've been waiting your whole life FOR ONE MOMENT" -Common
yeah yeah yeah i know it says "waitig".. i fixed it! but was to lazy to take ANOTHER picture. The rest of it is shaded in now. I think i'm going to be posting it on my wall soon enough. Man I need to keep running my fingers and making them work or else i'm going to loose it. My drawing skills needs its practice or else its gone.

I miss you a lot more then you think.
9 more days and ill be seeing you again.
Damn T.O. is going to be crazy.

You're a cutie!
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Sharpie high

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Happy Birthday Daddy

My favorite thing my dad said last night...

"Are you okay to drunk?.. Are you okay to drive?"

Haha daddy you're so funny!

My father is now 49 and he's still doing well style wise. For his birthday he asked us to but him clothes from H&M. And that's all he wanted. Yet I just wrote in a card I got him and we all put money in haha.

Love you dad!
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1st night

Sunshine - Ne-yo & Phyllisia

"Baby you're, you're the reason that I'm smiling all the time. You are my sunshine."

Its true. & the first night your gone its hell over here. 13 more days till I join you over there. Then I'm on vacation for a good 10 days, thank goodness. I need this.


After teaching class I waited for Kelvin to pick me up. So I decided to go across the street to Tim Horton's to grab a drink and read a little more of "The Time Travelers Wife" to kill time. I got picked up and we drove all the way up west Van. He showed me all these mansions and I was just blown away! I knew we we're going to see the mansions but I didn't believe how stunned I was by seeing them in person. Like you expect to see these ridiculously huge houses but I mean just actually seeing them with your own eyes its a totally different experience. We drove as far up as we could and we got to a perfect parking spot. Stepped out of the car and saw one of the most beautiful views looking entirely over Vancouver's city lights. I've seen high views of the city but this was amazing. That's why those mansions are up there. I was kind of hoping to run into one of Opera's houses but no luck haha. While we sat up there we settled on a big flat rock with a blanket over top of us. We pulled out my strawberry cheesecake i made earlier at home and enjoyed the desert&theview. After chilling up there for a while we started driving down but trying to take long routes just so we could check out the gigantic houses. Haha biggest creeper moment of my life. We'd be driving so slow, but as soon as there was a car around we'd be like " ok ok chill out, act cool" hahaha so stupid. It was a good rush though.

Another good night.

After falling asleep w/you I woke up at 445 only to see the bed empty. I missed you by 45mins. For the rest of the night -I had an uncomfortable sleep. I got to undo getting used to you here with me till 4 in the am. No more loving late nights after the 11th and after T.O.

Ps. MsAnon if you're reading this check the comments on the post you commented on.

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