the flight took 4 hours and somewhat mins. What did i get to do? Well besides thinking about being with my bf again and getting excited about Tdot i got a lot of time to read up on The Time Travelers Wife. I have about 20ish pages left, and i have a feeling i'm not going to finish it till i get back because we've been too occupied with being on vacation mode haha. I finally got to meet little Patricia and she is just amazing. Shes cute, beautiful, brilliant, innocent, polite an
d the list just keeps going. She's only 5 (going into kindergarten) and she can already read and speak both English and Tagalog. She was helping me understand this Tagalog book she was reading. I want my baby to be her when I have one. I'll upload photos/videos soon enough. There was already a family party last night. Food was delish, and the family was chill. Kelvin and I watched ratatouille, which was such a cute movie! (And the rat doesn't die hahahaha) it was about 1 or 2 when we started to play monopoly with the rest of the family and the game didn't end until around 3. I think the extra "draw on their face with lipstick if they land on your property" was a smart add it haha. Finally got into bed and we past out like babies.

DAYTWO. (so far..)

Woke up really early, but didn't get out of bed till 1 :). Had a little acoustic/singing session with the uncle, auntie, Patricia, kelvin, and I. It was actually pretty fun, and funny... i can't sing and neither can Kelvin haha. But now we're just chilling till something happens. We leave for Niagara Falls in the morning and wont be back till Tuesday morning.

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