Carmen you're finally 17. "Stupid LGs" ! Haha you're funny sweetie.
We've been dancing for more then half our lives, and for the first few years we we're always competing against each other. So many solo dance competitions we went head to head and then the Big Show came along and we got to dance side by side. YET we became one of the main attractions and yet again it was Cas vs. Carmen durring the PNE show. Haha "ain't no other man.." good times my lady. We found our struggling dance lives in the same sittuations and we moved away from the drama and somehow ended up continuing dancing together through sickstylz. And what do you know, we finally got to a duo together. Yeah, no more Cas vs. Carmen.. now its just Cas&Carmen. We were so close to becoming Embraces.. Hahahaha! Stupid Serena had to get her braces off, what a dick.. jk :) But seriously being your partner through dance, and us being Surrey Girls (thank god :P ) we became really close. You were, and are one of my closest girlfriends. We could basically say that we grew up together through dance. You're my dance sister, and forever will be! Thanks a lot hun for that conversation we had tonight. Carmen you're such a great friend. How could I possible just stop dancing now.. thats like breaking up with you! I can't do that! But what we did talk about earlier .. I ment all of it. So I am going to slow it down, but i'll stay dancing. Thanks for the advice hun, and ALL of the girl talks we had at my house and yours! I hope you enjoyed your day as much as you thought you would. I love you Carmen. You know i'm always here for you.

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