
After teaching class I waited for Kelvin to pick me up. So I decided to go across the street to Tim Horton's to grab a drink and read a little more of "The Time Travelers Wife" to kill time. I got picked up and we drove all the way up west Van. He showed me all these mansions and I was just blown away! I knew we we're going to see the mansions but I didn't believe how stunned I was by seeing them in person. Like you expect to see these ridiculously huge houses but I mean just actually seeing them with your own eyes its a totally different experience. We drove as far up as we could and we got to a perfect parking spot. Stepped out of the car and saw one of the most beautiful views looking entirely over Vancouver's city lights. I've seen high views of the city but this was amazing. That's why those mansions are up there. I was kind of hoping to run into one of Opera's houses but no luck haha. While we sat up there we settled on a big flat rock with a blanket over top of us. We pulled out my strawberry cheesecake i made earlier at home and enjoyed the desert&theview. After chilling up there for a while we started driving down but trying to take long routes just so we could check out the gigantic houses. Haha biggest creeper moment of my life. We'd be driving so slow, but as soon as there was a car around we'd be like " ok ok chill out, act cool" hahaha so stupid. It was a good rush though.

Another good night.

After falling asleep w/you I woke up at 445 only to see the bed empty. I missed you by 45mins. For the rest of the night -I had an uncomfortable sleep. I got to undo getting used to you here with me till 4 in the am. No more loving late nights after the 11th and after T.O.

Ps. MsAnon if you're reading this check the comments on the post you commented on.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

1 comment(s):

Joanna said...

Hahah West Van houses are ridic. My mom has a few friends there.. i love this particular house where beside it theres a waterfall (2 floors high).. and yes i agree the view is amazing!! <3