#0: JENZEN N. "wii/mansion"
(jenzen, you were a tad bit too early, haha but thank you)
#1: "JOHN-JOHN" S.

#2: MIKHAIL L. "asparagus!"

#3: CHARLIE S. "birthday buddy!"

I need pepper spray!


guy: hi there you filipina?
me: uhh, yes..
guy: where you going?
me: work
guy: oh i just got off from work, i'm a roofer
me: ohh...
guy: so how old are you?
me: old enough to ride the skytrain ( WTF?! why did i say that?)
*beep beep* (i recieve a text msg.)
guy: ohh, so you have a phone?
me: *nods head*
guy: you think i could call you sometime?
me: uh haha no its okay.. ( HAHA I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY!!!)


me: *i walk in trying to get away from the guy, so i sit in a one seater*
guy: *guy sits right behind me*
me: *turns on my ds and starts listening to music and texting* (TRYING to look like i'm to busy to talk)
guy: so where do you work?
me: *ignor* ( i look through my phone, try to call SERENA, stupid girls phone is off >:(, looking through my phone again... I DON'T KNOW WHO I COULD CALL !!! )
guy: Yo Parray! *calls up his "flip" friend & taps me on the shoulder*
me: *ignor*
guy: here just talk to my friend on the phone he just came back from the philippines
me: uh, no thanks
guy: oh common! hes on the phone just say something
me: no, its okay
guy: *taps me on the shoulder AGAIN & passes me his phone* Here just add you're number in, common.
me: *ignor* (texting/listening to music)

after that time i think he just about got the msg that i didn't want him to call me nor talk to me. FINALY he got off at columbia. PHEW! Eff i need pepper spray! :(

i wasn't like this..

i wasn't like this before i met you

when we started seeing each other thats when we were cool
i think we were at our most chill and self state
and thats what made us want to be together

things were so fine and with the rough spots we went by
we'd argue and fight but we'd make up like it was no big

we got through the HARDEST sittuations.
you know all that stuff we've been through
i doubt that any of them have done

shit got real hard and it took forever to patch up..

well we thought we patched things up

it was more like a hole in the wall and we just
put a poster over it

yeah things may look good
but the hole is still there

and ever since.. you've somehow acted on it
things always came back up again

i really wish i could have done so much more

just to fix everything
but there was nothing left i could have done

things never went back to being the same
like the days we 1st chilled

especially those late nights with your cousin
and my sister
haha, those were good days

but things change,
people change.
but you can't control change
change controls you

its really hard to see that
we've both changed so much

i used to be chill
i used to not give a what
but being with you changed me
everything we been through
changed me

now i'm this.

and you.

you've changed too.
sometimes i don't know who you are
when you say those things you do
i try not to believe that you've become
that person

but then i realise that..
i've changed you too.

we've changed together.
but grew apart.

kinda ironic isn't it?

but who knows
maybe we'll change again

we'll change, but when we're apart
and maybe we'll grow back

... but together.

but we will leave that for the future
cause we still have to work with the present

i'll let the past be in the past.
and maybe tomorrow
will be a "new" start to the future.


nts: you can't change the past.


and if you're loosing your high then smoke again



i could go for one right now.

you know its kinda nice waking up to it, i guess. and walking around with it outside, and just seeing it every once in a while. but i've honestly haven't been able to spend time with it. like common, i'm trying why can't you? you're the only one that makes me truely happy, no questions ask, and you don't even have to do anything but come out. honest truth, i don't think i could ever be mad at you. i love you and miss you like crazy. seriously, where have you been dear sun? PLEASE SHINE DOWN ON ME :D Oh mr.sun

thats not the only thing i miss. i have no more time//energy to dance right now. you don't even understand how much it sucks. *sigh*

come 2 weeks, and sale season will be long gone :) i'll get a breezer and just chill, relax, and be out in the sun. come to think about it in 2 weeks i'll be older... though i know it, and people are mentioning it, it still hasn't hit me. still i contemplate on if i should or shouldn't celebrate this year. i really don't feel like planning anything. ahh.. right now, i stand at no.

1st day went by fast, but i'm...



"what chu want me to do? i'm saaaarrrrie!"

Oh man. FINALLY, i have a purpose// i have a job. haha sad huh? took me long enough, but i did it, and i'm doing it, and doing it with pride. already they got me on my toes and taking up my hours, but that's kind of what i signed up for. i don't want to waist my time staying home so much anymore. i'm tired of that. anyways .. job+me=good to go

lets see, heart's feeling quite happy.
we'll k.i.t citysand

SO its july, and its coming near the end of the month. hum.. how is this going to work? start packing in aug? or end of july? or maybe when he's on vacation? days are going by to quickly. F!

oh but should i even celebrate? who should i invite? where?... HONESTLY i kind of don't want to. i don't feel like planning or any of that stuff. i'd be nice, but i'm not feeling the planing part.



shit's gooooood.

pardon my french


sh... damn what a break through for me :D

TMR?! OH MY GOSH nervs? only a little kind of
FUN?! yes please :D

why am i still?
i need a way out


Oh but i'm not, i'm just not showing how happy i really am :)

So i'm always the photographer, never the one in the picture. This is the only one i was in for today.. out of like a lot of other ones. & there's my big happy smile. NOT! Eh..

Today was fun. I was happy. I was really Happy. Sun was out, slept away the drama, eating my meals, getting out of the house, spending time with you, being a little active, had a slurpee, got a ride home, eff you transit, home before dad got mad. Yes, so today i say was a really good day. You know, just another summer day. I hope i get more days like this. No, actually, i know i'll get more days like this. Maybe sometimes better. Yeah, better ... :)

I LOVE WAKING UP TO THE SUN. One of the best feelings ever. Like being in love or something, you just feel SO happy. Things that automatically make me happy: The sun, chocolate, you, sweet surprises, music & dancing. <3

LAlalalalalala..lala.. i love summer.


i'm still 16?


i don't feel like i'm 16.

Just another day of summer

so if this is summer... why is it still raining? pretty soon elementary schools are going to have to change all those poster/card/pictures off the wall of which month has what weather. july will have a picture of rain, and so will december, and so will april. yup, kids will now know that it rains all year. what is the weather coming to? i hate you rain.

sht keeps getting more confusing errday but i be breaking my temptation

haha who talks like that? not me but its the truth


Musiq soulchild - Forthenight

She: Yeah thats cool, i understand what you're saying, but i just got out of a sittuation.
He: Word
She: And i ain't really trying to get into anything serious right now, but we could chill. You'na mean?
He: Well how about this...

Let's pretend for one night, I'm the man in your life
And we do the things that lovers do
All the loving u like I give it to you just right
Theres nothing less than special when it comes to you
See what we have is understanding
That works so well for how we are
Cause neither of us has the heart to fall in love all over again

Even though I'm not your man and I know you're not my girl
But let's just act like it's that way tonight
Now I know u got your friends and you know I got some too
But let's just act like you're my lady tonight

Now what I like about you
Is that you're always so cool and comfortable whenever I'm around
You're some one that I can talk too
No matter what I'm going through
I call on you cuz I know you'll always be down

See what we have is so incredible
That we'll never find in anyone else
This thing that we share is so unbelievable
That I want you all to myself

Even though I'm not your man and I know you're not my girl
But let's just act like it's that way tonight
Now I know you got your friends and you know I got some too
But let's just act like you're my lady tonight

This song has the perfect beat for this kind of feeling :)

"No one ever really dies"

I hope that's true. This was said more than 5 times tonight, and i kept thinking of how it would feel to be up there. You know, not really alive but still living. I actually hope that i get to go there before all the people i know do. I say this because I know it'd be so hard for me to say good-bye.
Just like it was tonight. I didn't even know it was supposed to happen today. I wish i did though so at least i would know what i was in for. It took the longest time for me to get up there and see him. Seeing other people cry make me cry. My weak spot is my emotions... i'm so sensitive. I'm glad that all the people around me are still healthy. And i'm glad that he is in a better place now. I'll be praying for you. I just hope that all the rest will carry on and get though this okay.

RIP Lolo Leonardo

You will be missed

I love you Joe Larot!

BEST PART > 00:48 - till the end

a trip before july

They say the 3rd times a charm. But it officially worked on the 4th. Haha i actually felt it. Right when the door opened, oh man, everything just started turning, my mouth was hella dry, and i was so happy. What a trip. After the 2nd time that night i was just so tired, and it was only like 11 or something. Kept bobbing my head back and fourth cause it felt like i was on a ship hitting the waves slowly and gently. But i kept my cool. Though i could barley open my eyes, so i just walked into the closest room, and just crashed. Can't believe i slept so early! Sorry i took the bed guys. Hope i didn't miss out too much. Oh man. What a funny trip.

I want to go back on vacation :)
i've been carrying around this weight for too long. i'm tired and hurt from the pain that i got by keeping myself from letting go. this weight has been dragging me down and i let it do so for to long. how did i not realise i should have let go a long time ago? It was worth it while it lasted but it actually only lasted until i became unhappy. This weight... just stays there, and doesn't bother with a thing, but i do so much just to keep it here with me, but if i left this weight behind it will not follow it'll just wait for someone else to take it. I guess its better if i leave it behind because i wouldn't have to hurt anymore, and i wont have to be such a bother, because i think this weight is better left to do its own thing. One less.
As I look at what I've done
The type of life that I've lived
How many things I pray the father will forgive
One situation involved a young man
He was the [city] and I was the sand
He stole my heart like a thief in the night
Dulled my senses blurred my sight
-Lauryn Hill
i miss her, but can't see her.