"what chu want me to do? i'm saaaarrrrie!"

Oh man. FINALLY, i have a purpose// i have a job. haha sad huh? took me long enough, but i did it, and i'm doing it, and doing it with pride. already they got me on my toes and taking up my hours, but that's kind of what i signed up for. i don't want to waist my time staying home so much anymore. i'm tired of that. anyways .. job+me=good to go

lets see, heart's feeling quite happy.
we'll k.i.t citysand

SO its july, and its coming near the end of the month. hum.. how is this going to work? start packing in aug? or end of july? or maybe when he's on vacation? days are going by to quickly. F!

oh but should i even celebrate? who should i invite? where?... HONESTLY i kind of don't want to. i don't feel like planning or any of that stuff. i'd be nice, but i'm not feeling the planing part.



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