a trip before july

They say the 3rd times a charm. But it officially worked on the 4th. Haha i actually felt it. Right when the door opened, oh man, everything just started turning, my mouth was hella dry, and i was so happy. What a trip. After the 2nd time that night i was just so tired, and it was only like 11 or something. Kept bobbing my head back and fourth cause it felt like i was on a ship hitting the waves slowly and gently. But i kept my cool. Though i could barley open my eyes, so i just walked into the closest room, and just crashed. Can't believe i slept so early! Sorry i took the bed guys. Hope i didn't miss out too much. Oh man. What a funny trip.

I want to go back on vacation :)
i've been carrying around this weight for too long. i'm tired and hurt from the pain that i got by keeping myself from letting go. this weight has been dragging me down and i let it do so for to long. how did i not realise i should have let go a long time ago? It was worth it while it lasted but it actually only lasted until i became unhappy. This weight... just stays there, and doesn't bother with a thing, but i do so much just to keep it here with me, but if i left this weight behind it will not follow it'll just wait for someone else to take it. I guess its better if i leave it behind because i wouldn't have to hurt anymore, and i wont have to be such a bother, because i think this weight is better left to do its own thing. One less.
As I look at what I've done
The type of life that I've lived
How many things I pray the father will forgive
One situation involved a young man
He was the [city] and I was the sand
He stole my heart like a thief in the night
Dulled my senses blurred my sight
-Lauryn Hill
i miss her, but can't see her.

1 comment(s):


a TRIP before july..... good one. (i'm talking about the same thing right? HAHAHA) .. lets take a trip together. :$ cuuuuus we're going camping yeaaaaaa!

i get cash on friday. lets go oooout. ps, we went tanning yesterday and missed you! we're going tanning again today. come if you're able!

we'll go on our trip and then go to the scary water park! :O