Oh but i'm not, i'm just not showing how happy i really am :)

So i'm always the photographer, never the one in the picture. This is the only one i was in for today.. out of like a lot of other ones. & there's my big happy smile. NOT! Eh..

Today was fun. I was happy. I was really Happy. Sun was out, slept away the drama, eating my meals, getting out of the house, spending time with you, being a little active, had a slurpee, got a ride home, eff you transit, home before dad got mad. Yes, so today i say was a really good day. You know, just another summer day. I hope i get more days like this. No, actually, i know i'll get more days like this. Maybe sometimes better. Yeah, better ... :)

I LOVE WAKING UP TO THE SUN. One of the best feelings ever. Like being in love or something, you just feel SO happy. Things that automatically make me happy: The sun, chocolate, you, sweet surprises, music & dancing. <3

LAlalalalalala..lala.. i love summer.

4 comment(s):

bryan. said...
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bryan. said...

"eff you transit"

hoorah for Ns!

we still have to plan that chill day with everyonebody!

Anonymous said...

you like murs!? :O

kylie clark said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE!?!?!?!?!?!???!??!!?!?!?