Not In My Right State Of Mind

The other day I was on my way home, on the bus. It was about 8:30, I believe, and was already dark outside. I don't like how the days are shorter, and the nights are longer. Well it was only the bus driver, me, and one other guy on the bus. I was reading my book on the bus but i stopped because i knew my stop was coming up. I'm trying to look outside the windows to see where we are. Since it was pretty dark it was hard to tell 'cause the neighborhood looks pretty similar. I see where we are and start thinking about when I'm going to pull the wire. I'm looking towards the front from sitting just behind the back doors, and i kind of see the stop sign flicker on, as if someone pulled it, but incorrectly, or too hard. I look at the other only guy on the bus and i didn't see him move at all. In my head I'm thinking if he might have pressed the handicap alarm on the side in the front. So I'm not worrying about pulling the wire because i guess he was going to get off at the same stop as me. Then i glance over and we miss my stop. I check the front again and the stop light is turned off, like it never was pulled to begin with. I call out to the bus driver "You missed my stop!" and he pulls over to the side and lets me out. 

I'm on the side of the road, in the dark, not close to my stop, walking home. I don't like how this area doesn't have enough street lights. As I'm walking home I'm trying to figure out what happened back there? Maybe my eyes just saw what it wanted to see.. but i don't remember being THAT tired. The whole cold walk home i was confused and scared. 

I don't understand...

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

interesting story. nice seeing you at fright night btw... NOT :(