Some Kind of Feelin

I felt like I was back home. Where I was supposed to be.

It was just what I needed, to felt like I belonged, without
breaking any rules, without having anything to hide. I just
needed some kind of feelin to reassure my self existence.
I am still here. It wasn't just a bad night mare, sht really is
getting rough, but I'm still here, and I know this 'cause i 
can still feel. I'm sorry Mr. Chambers but, "I think therefore
 I am" just doesn't cut it right now. Philosophy is not the 
answer for this kind of question. 

'Sanks G'ford,
'Sanks Fellas'

3 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

you are back home. i love the banner, its so dope!

Anonymous said...

immortal technique. btw, i do not know whats wrong with me =/

kf said...

digg'n it