2nd day of 2009

So my 2nd day of 09' went almost according to plan. Woke up pretty early and headed to drive dance centre to take stu's class at 12. On the way Jel picked me up and we skytrained together since he had work. I was supposed to go with Serena but I forgot to call cause I didn't think she was actually going to come. Then sleepy head Shellaine wasn't awake yet. So I went to the class by mysewf. Once I got in and there was like 15 other people doing the class. Intimidation... Yezzzur. Stu's choreography was hella fun! There wasn't any class after so we got to just mess around. After the class we ( Stu, Leslie, and one other girl that was in the class ) went to eat at moxies downtown. Stu had to pick up a couple friends from the train station. When he came back he came back with Joe and Mike from Supreme Soul. Yeah so the six of us were just having dinner at moxies! Yeah! Haha I was pretty stunned but it was cool. =)

Got on the skytrain and headed home. I got home at 5 and changed as fast as I could and got to work at 5:05 haha late 5 mins but nobody saw ;). Work was pretty slow for a friday night. A lot of the times I had nothing to do, not even fold napkins we already had to many. So after a slack night at work I got home at 11 something and then passed out very quickly cause I was exaughsted.

So for the 2nd day of 09 it was pretty damn good :)

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