currently chilling at work sitting in table C. Yeah my table :) haha and I'm waiting for my food to arrive. It is my first time odering this 7oz. Halibut so we'll see how this all works out. I actually haven't hosted in a while. I got so used to busing it was hard for the first hour alone. Hosted with Richelle tonight. Always fun cause she's hillarious, especially when she zones out! Always makes me laugh. Its was busy tonight , as every Saturday night is. Huge line at the door but obviously Richelle and i ripped it up. Shoot we could handle anything. So there's a new busset in town. She's in her 20s I'm guessing and there is just one thing that bugs me about her. She does my pet peeve! You know, when a stranger calls you "sweetie" or "hunnie"... IT just REALLY gets to me. Its not like you really know me that well so why are you calling me that? I don't understand! Other then that one thing she is extremely nice and sweet.

So I got my dinner. Ummm sauteed halibut is a very yummy! And these mash potatoes are buttered up like crazy! Sooooo goooood! Who ever made this made it with love. I can taste it! Hahaha

This really is a useless blog to read but I am inasanely bored.
One of the best things about working in a restaurant is the unlimited drinks! Fricken icetea all day non-stop! I love it!!

I'm in a good mood :)

This fish is really good.

I feel like dancing.

Haha ok I don't think this specific blog could be any more lame. So good bye.

Oh and yeah I have another blogspot! Its not replacing this one. This blog (selah) is for my blogs that are more about daily ish. You know what ever pops up in my head kinda ish. And my new blog (dancelife) is well basically my blogs about what's going on with my dance life haha pretty self explanitory but yet I still explained it anyways, wooow lame! Haha so check it out, it looks kinda cool but its still in the making!

This is my dancelife! Enjoy

1 comment(s):

Matthew said...

how were you blogging at work?