So after 3+ months of working at BIG RIDGE i've only recently learned the meanings of "Mainline" and "Last call." Well actually, last call is kind of a give in, but okay i've just recently found of the meaning of mainline. I thought they meant the same thing, and just had like a fancier name or something. But i was wrong. Mainlines when the grill is pretty much down. So no steaks or anything like that will be cooked after mainline has been called. For people that don't know that already haha. Stupid intro for a blog, but w/e :)

Yesterday Jan 3 09 :
My day off oh work. Thank goodness cause last weekend i worked from friday to monday. ERRDAY OF THE DAMN WEEKEND. So it was nice to have a bit of weekend, even though its winter break. :) So I got up, and went on the computer. Couple friends from work wanted to eat out. Where did we go? What do you know, to WORK! Haha yeah we ate at BigRidge. I guess i didn't mind because i didn't have to work, and since its literally only an 8 min walk from my house. I didn't have plans until later that night anyways. After LINER i went home. Basement is pretty much finished now. Our theater is now working (or supposed to be, but my brother messed up the projector) and the furniture is all in place.

Today Jan 4 09 :
Woke up around 1020, convinced mother to let me go take another class at harbour. Met up with Marc, and we took Eric's hip hop class. He made his routine to a new song by Mims, and most of it was krump. Hella fun. Worked my body like crazy. After class Marc & I headed to the Scocia bank dance centre. We were just taking on of the classes so the one we were on time for was Popula's class. My muscles are kinda sore from poppin' and my arm muscle feels messed because i hit it to hard. Guess my little body isn't as well shaped for poppin' like it was before haha. It was cool seeing the Groovy G's again. I'm surprised they remember me.. they noticed i got shorter :(... well i'm not sure if its true, but thats what everyone says when i haven't seen them in a long time. Populas class was good, but i think it would have been better to take Jr Boogaloo's class due to his creativeness with choreo. A little more widely ranged.

I love taking drop ins. Its like.. when someone feels frustrated about something like they just got into a fight, or something just ruined their day and they need to go out for a drive/walk or eat .. well thats like me but instead i use drop in classes for that sense of relief and some sort of that sense of "high." It just feels so damn good.

This winter break i've taken 5 classes.
2 at harbour with carmen
1 at drive
1 other one at harbour
& 1 at the scotia dance centre


A total of $77. Some people might think that thats money waisted, but thats $77 dollars worth of 5 classes well spent. It all depends on how much the spender enjoys their class and takes as much out of it as they can. & thats exactly what i did. YAY ME!

I can't get enough of this dance life. No matter how much ish it gets me in. Its ALL WORTH IT.

Speaking of things being "all worth it." I think i must lay some things down.
Sht keeps happening huh? All of this is pretty bad, but we've gone through worst. But this is still pretty bad. We'll get past it. Actually you know what. This is one of the worst that we're going through. Maybe not situational wise.. but "mentally" wise. We've pushed and pulled and yet we're still hanging on. For a little bit i though this thread was going to break. But nope. I was wrong. This isn't a piece of thread. This is one thin ass wire, that looks like a thread, but just isn't going to break. This thing we've got going on is to strong for it to be broken. Like i've said before, this is all pretty damn bad right now, but it will all be worth it. We both know that. We just have to make it like that. And try and keep it like that. You know, make things work. I'll be working on myself.. my bad unnecessary habits, but as long as we know that we're both down for each other, then i think we'll be just fine. Our worst might already be behind us, so lets keep our head up, and keep looking forward. It'll all be good. You'll see.

[take a listen]

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