woke up underneath a pile of unfolded laundry. why? because i didn't want to put my clean clothes on the floor, and i was too tired after work to fold it all. throughout the day i spent majority of the time organizing my whole room. my dunnies are finally back on display, no more hiding in that shoe box, you can see the light. speaking of light, the SUN WAS GORGEOUS today. the whole time i was cleaning my room i was just listening to music with my windows wide open enjoying the presence of the sunlight shining in my room. you could imagine how good it felt to feel the sun again. it really is almost a cure for my emotions. i know its cliche, but I LOVE THE SUN! ahhhhh 

after all the organizing and folding, and 'advantage taking of the sun' i headed to work. dressed up all pretty cause i was hostesing tonight. as i was standing there looking like a hostess, i was watching the food go by, and i saw that salad i had last week. the one with the chicken, goat cheese, and avocado! then i started to crave avocado. well not just avocado, avocado milkshake! so i asked graem (floor manager) if i could buy a full avocado from the kitchen. Head chef said yes, for 2bucks! kinda expensive, but at the end of the night graem didn't make me pay for it haha. So i asked the bartender if he could blend it up for me. you know, avocado, milk, and ice. then once he gave it to me i added 7 packs of sugar haha :) i know its a lot but its so good, if you tasted it you wouldn't complain! everybody in the kitchen, and almost all of the staff was wondering what the heck i was doing. making an avocado into a drink?! haha ohh white people.  they thought i was crazy and that it would not taste very good. HA i proved them wrong. they got all curious on me and gave in for a taste. even boss chris liked it. it was actually better then i usually make it. i think it was the blender. either way it tasted good, and this little asian didn't look so crazy to the caucasians anymore :) and thats the moral of the story. 

.. haha JK

1 comment(s):

Matthew said...

"haha ohh white people."

White people? ... In the kitchen? Although I agree, we caucasians aren't very experimental with our tastebuds.