new day; start fresh

I've come to notice that I haven't actually skipped a class in... a very long time now. Its weird. Going to a full week of school is normal now, sad I know but I think its funny :)

This being my last year in high school had just hit me the other day. Last high school dance competition this saturday.. EVER. Pretty sad, but I've made the most of it with leading the many practices for seniors, creating C3, and doing very well at competitions. But i was most proud of winning the Shirley "Temple" ;) jk Shirley Clement's award at Outbreak. They actually spelled my name right on the plaque. One "S" :D .  But so far 2nd semester has been real good to me. All the little things we've been doing like me and Rizzy's "i have to talk to you" conversations haha, blk B/ dance elite/ spare, C3 practices, creamcicles, photoshoots, checking out STUSSY&BLUESHOES ;) haha and so much more. I know i'm really going to miss these
 things. But i'll save the tears for grad. 
HA! Grad...
Sister usually asks me to go to the gym with her, and i usually have an excuse to say no. But yesterday i had none. So i had no choice but to get off my ass and go. Went to the Y and what'd i see? Practically all my school either working out or swimming. Didn't realize how many people actually go, including Stussy :P. I haven't actually ran nor worked out in... forever. I ran for longer then i thought i would and really worked out my body. Felt so refreshing after. I think i'm going to be going more often.
Sister and i got hungry so we headed to cactus after. Split one of the best chicken burgers i've ever had! So i ordered an extra one to go, for lunch today :) haha sad cause i'm actually anticipating lunch just for that. 
Got back home at 12 and passed out. Woke up sore.. of course but i feel really good


Alright, so truth be told my last post was out of anger.  It happens, and sht gets to the best of all of us, yes? I got my time to cool off, i slept on in, and thought about how stupid it was to get mad. Blah blah blah we've all heard this before "its all done with." But its true! So.. lets just all drop it and move on. 

& yes i'm okay. Thanks BB for watching out. 

Word spreads like a wildfire in a dry forest


Shut up!!!

You talk too much...
You talk too much...
You talk too much...
You talk too much...

Hey! You over there, I know about your kind

You're like the Independent Network News on Channel 9

Everywhere that you go, no matter where you at

I said you talk about this, and you talk about that

When the cat took your tongue, I say you took it right back

Your mouth is so big, one bite would kill a Big Mac

You talk too much You never shut up

I said you talk too much Homeboy you never shut up

You talk about people, you don't even know

And you talk about places, you NEVER go

You talk about your girl, from head to toe

I said your mouth's moving fast, and your brain's moving slow

You talk too much You never shut up!!

I said you talk too much Homeboy you never shut up

You're the instigator, the orator of the town

You're the worst when you converse, just a big mouth clown

You talk when you're awake, I heard you talk when you sleep

Has anyone ever told you, that talk is cheap


Everythings in the past, why do you need to let others know when
they aren't even involved anymore. If i said shit to you then i said
it because i trust you, and i even said keep it dl. Yeah i know word
does spread. I expected it to happen eventually, but like why does

it directly go to that specific person. He doesn't need to know whats
going on with me, and i don't need to know whats going on with him.
PEOPLE SHITS DONE WITH, talk about your own lives.

Was having a perfect weekend till this..
W/e this weekend was still dope but next weekend
WILL be better :)

fri: proD + C3 showcase in richmond

saturday: SH+C3 competing at Parorama Ridge + Party

sunday: SSS practice


On a lighter note heres saturday...


He's got every move in control. Where he places each hand, how he wants his body to look, where his wave will follow through and his pop will hit which beat. That's fkcing control. That's also fcking sexy.. pardon my french. *sigh...


Yet another amazing dancer.. MARIEL MARTIN. I adore her style. She's the one with the really short hair, wearing a vest shorts and boots, and mainly in the front & centre. Her choreo is just... brilliant. Hence why i adore her style. And i can't believe she used Little Bit & Maps! When i first heard maps from RockBand i fell in love with it, but never had the right creative mind set at the time to make the right fitted choreo for it. Same with Little Bit. I knew those songs could be played out so well with the right moves, but they just weren't in my mind yet. And here we have Mariel Martin 8 counts ahead of me. Ahh shes a goddess!

Song List:

Apes and Androids- Golden Prize

Lykke Li- Little Bit

Sam Sparro- Black and Gold

Adele- Crazy for you

Yeah Yeah Yeahs- Maps


OKAY, so i'm leaving for vernon in about an hour!

Been procrastinating..
Been up all night..
BUT i haven't packed yet.

i should go do that now.


till monday

till 3 in the am

Juice is in town.

Its sucks cause your only here for the 2 weeks, but when you come back for my debut.. you'll be back before you know it.

1 more year.. don't worry, winnipeg ain't that bad.

"As if i'm moving down here."

"Did you drink some haterade this morning?"

"Cesar & Babes House of Lub"



Lykke Li - Little Bit

Favourite song right now

Same song ; Different version
Ft. Drake ... Just as good as the og

stupid for who? N & one S

this goes to you, you, you, you, & you.

Sorry to break it to you like that. But thanks for understanding. I know you'll be there, much appreciated. Hope I helped you somehow.

Sorry I don't answer your calls. Humm I hope your friends don't fill you up with things to make you believe that this is more then it is.

Sorry ive been so busy every saturday. We'll go one day soon. I promise... I'm looking forward to it.

Im glad our friendship is changing into.. This haha. "Teach [you] how to love"
Thanks for making my heart smile.

Look I'm out of your way. I don't want to deal with anything near this. If you didn't find out it wouldnt have effected you in anyway so what's the deal? Don't try to think I'm pulling anything on you cause itsnot evenlike that. I'm just as done with this as you are. I'm happy with my life right now. I'm sure your doing fine too, so let's not deal with this. At all. "even you should be able to understand that"

Blame it on the 
a a a a a alcohol
Life's been soo good to me lately. Best balance of good and bad yesterday. 

2.5 hour interview yesterday planning out my future place
 of studies. It did go very well. Let's just hope july isn't so packed. 

Went to eat out with the father, the brother, the sister, and
 the sisters boyfriend. Yummy wonton.. But we we're too late for wontons. Sucks. 

Headed for work. Pretty slow for a saturday. "Everybody is in town besides the Filipinos and the white kid" haha stupid Hayden. OH as I headed back to the front from seating a table down a kind man I asked me to come over to his table. He said "ill trade you one of these (holding a 10) for one of these (holding an empty pint of beer)" so I told him ill just let your server know. But he's like no you take this and get me the drink and you can keep the rest. I was kinda shocked cause his tip was just as much as the drink haha. I think that was my highlight at work :)

I got of real early so I headed over and met up with chad tyrone and
 jelyssa. Let me sum up the night..

Uhh happy birthday? 

Awkward "hellos"
Blunt "what's ups?"
Bad still shots
Wine in my cup
Many "I miss yous"
Also "I like you guys" (
"Yo your a parto?"
& a lot of "what's your name again?"

Cliques over here
Cliques over there
Dj spinnin
The intoxicated dancing
Filled up couches 
Flash photography 
Cops killed the party 

Haha never thought I'd see the day. 


Yeserday I was very fortunate. Sam & I had switched shifts so I had the day off. Last block of school was dance elite/spare so I left early with Bryan because he too had the day off extra early. So we decided to enjoy the rare beautiful day have a small taste of summer. Actually icecream :) New icecream/gelato place in the newton area, =\ i forget what it's called. I think it's because i hardly get any sleep anymore cause of the crackberry. Less sleep = slow working mind. Anyways the icecream was real satisfying. But since we didn't know what else to do with the gorgeous weather we decided to watch a movie in my basement. Haha total opposite of soaking up the nice day. BUT it was cool. I believe that was the 1st time watching "Gone in 60 seconds." Angelina was skinny, blue eyed, and blond. Looked a little bit junkie but she kind of pulled it off.
The sun was still out by the time our movie ended, and actually the sun didn't go down until around 8:30.. it made me smirk a little. Just knowing how close summer is, and what's going to be coming up makes my heart smile.



understand that I need my space. But don't think that just because I said no doesn't mean that we can't be friends. I need you to understand that when I say no, it simply means no. Don't over think it. But when I give you the green light, I don't want you taking that as an invitation to a "crowed my space" or "call me every second" type yes. Surprise surprise, a yes is simply a yes. And thats all you need to know.

Actually there's one more thing. If you want to talk to me, just say so. You don't need to make an excuse about something you forgot to mention, or something you made up. Its unneccesaary to be playing games with me. Your intentions are clear, but you already know where u stand. I'm not going to explain myself everytime you push it. Know where we stand. Everythings pretty clear and litteral.
K.I.S.S. = keep it simple stupid
