this goes to you, you, you, you, & you.

Sorry to break it to you like that. But thanks for understanding. I know you'll be there, much appreciated. Hope I helped you somehow.

Sorry I don't answer your calls. Humm I hope your friends don't fill you up with things to make you believe that this is more then it is.

Sorry ive been so busy every saturday. We'll go one day soon. I promise... I'm looking forward to it.

Im glad our friendship is changing into.. This haha. "Teach [you] how to love"
Thanks for making my heart smile.

Look I'm out of your way. I don't want to deal with anything near this. If you didn't find out it wouldnt have effected you in anyway so what's the deal? Don't try to think I'm pulling anything on you cause itsnot evenlike that. I'm just as done with this as you are. I'm happy with my life right now. I'm sure your doing fine too, so let's not deal with this. At all. "even you should be able to understand that"

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

it's crazy isn't it?
how when you meet someone new,
or someone from before,
and friendships change into something you would least expect,
yet you like the change?
no matter who it might be,
you or him,
it'll always make one of them smile.
stay happy, its nice seeing you
not so stressed, at least when i see you.
i wonder who you'll think wrote this.
<3, 831.
call me if you figure out who=)

ckp said...

:$ I don't know