new day; start fresh

I've come to notice that I haven't actually skipped a class in... a very long time now. Its weird. Going to a full week of school is normal now, sad I know but I think its funny :)

This being my last year in high school had just hit me the other day. Last high school dance competition this saturday.. EVER. Pretty sad, but I've made the most of it with leading the many practices for seniors, creating C3, and doing very well at competitions. But i was most proud of winning the Shirley "Temple" ;) jk Shirley Clement's award at Outbreak. They actually spelled my name right on the plaque. One "S" :D .  But so far 2nd semester has been real good to me. All the little things we've been doing like me and Rizzy's "i have to talk to you" conversations haha, blk B/ dance elite/ spare, C3 practices, creamcicles, photoshoots, checking out STUSSY&BLUESHOES ;) haha and so much more. I know i'm really going to miss these
 things. But i'll save the tears for grad. 
HA! Grad...
Sister usually asks me to go to the gym with her, and i usually have an excuse to say no. But yesterday i had none. So i had no choice but to get off my ass and go. Went to the Y and what'd i see? Practically all my school either working out or swimming. Didn't realize how many people actually go, including Stussy :P. I haven't actually ran nor worked out in... forever. I ran for longer then i thought i would and really worked out my body. Felt so refreshing after. I think i'm going to be going more often.
Sister and i got hungry so we headed to cactus after. Split one of the best chicken burgers i've ever had! So i ordered an extra one to go, for lunch today :) haha sad cause i'm actually anticipating lunch just for that. 
Got back home at 12 and passed out. Woke up sore.. of course but i feel really good


Alright, so truth be told my last post was out of anger.  It happens, and sht gets to the best of all of us, yes? I got my time to cool off, i slept on in, and thought about how stupid it was to get mad. Blah blah blah we've all heard this before "its all done with." But its true! So.. lets just all drop it and move on. 

& yes i'm okay. Thanks BB for watching out. 

Word spreads like a wildfire in a dry forest

1 comment(s):

Cahlow said...

thanks for inviting me