understand that I need my space. But don't think that just because I said no doesn't mean that we can't be friends. I need you to understand that when I say no, it simply means no. Don't over think it. But when I give you the green light, I don't want you taking that as an invitation to a "crowed my space" or "call me every second" type yes. Surprise surprise, a yes is simply a yes. And thats all you need to know.

Actually there's one more thing. If you want to talk to me, just say so. You don't need to make an excuse about something you forgot to mention, or something you made up. Its unneccesaary to be playing games with me. Your intentions are clear, but you already know where u stand. I'm not going to explain myself everytime you push it. Know where we stand. Everythings pretty clear and litteral.
K.I.S.S. = keep it simple stupid
