Sitting at mcDs on granville

Waiting for work

Trying to ease my stomach from this weird pain I'm having

Not listening to my ipod cause my head is aching

Looking at the ugly weather vancouver has to offer early september

Not excited to teach, though this is my last tuesday class

Feeling scrubbed out because I'm wearing sweats

Missing my boyfriend

Earlier today:

Mother and I were eating a late lunch, or an early dinner if you prefer. We conversed about her ex husband (aka my father) and her past. She was telling me how relationships cannot be built on lies/secrets nor can it grow. Tell me something I don't know.. So she goes on to telling me what happened between them and how her marriage was force on between my mother and father due to another unexpected life they have created. I understood a little more on why or how their divorce became to be. Some things I didn't know before. After the story ended my mother goes on to me and my siblings relationships. She said "I think you're going to be the first one to move out, and the first one to get married." My jaw dropped and I responded with "How could you say that? Kuya and felicia have been together for almost 5 years and ate and nic 3." She told me my relationship is different. And I just laughed. Laughed because I thought that was quite funny because moving out is a question I asked my mom I could do in about a year and she said yes! And Laughed because I didn't know how else to respond. I love that me and my mom can be so open with each other.

Hmm time for work. Time to dance.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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