"Talk to people you have never talked to before" - Craig Lock

3hour shift. Kind of lame but its still worth my time and tips were good.

Updated my card, which now has those new chips in it. Got paid, paid my bill, & transfered/saving money.

Kevin Cano stopped by for a life update. Hope everything works out for the best buddy.
Kelvin's mother came over and dropped Brownie off : )
Got ready to go out

Kevin Coelho & I had dinner, caught up, talked about everything in life possible. Ordered SOOOO much food & topped it off with desert.

Carried on our conversation over coffee & the night ended.

It's not like i've never talked to them before, but I haven't talked to them in a long while. I like catching up with old friends. You learn about them, see the life they live and understand them a little more.

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