So whats really going on cas?

Been working so much lately. I've taught a class, and worked 5 shifts within the last 4 days. My feet are hurting, and my body needs a better bed. Or i need to stop tossing and turning at night. Its been easy to save the money I've worked for, since I'm too busy to spend it, but he only things I will let my money go on is special birthdays aka Mothers (28th), mothers bfs (19th), Serena's (19th) & Kelvins (18th). Ugh why are their so many September birthdays.

Having a full schedule is kind of nice. Keeping busy with things to help my life take another step forward feels good. Ever since the beginning of September when everyone else started school again I actually felt like "I'm out of high school". It feels good. I look back and see all of the drama, the laziness, immaturity, the unnecessary in everything that was going on in high school. This is when I can look back and learn. Looking back and laughing will come with more time. But right now I'm still in the middle. Its the perfect way to describe my age. Its like 17 you're still in high school, still having the dramatic times with boys and girls and LG and LBness. Then 19 is when you're legal and act like the high school kids but without the labels of LG & LBs and be allowed to do shit all cause you are your own adult. But 18 is right in the middle. I see it as a "lesson learned, yet still learning" type age. Yeah you're still going to do all that rough sht like drinking at that age but you know you're not legal, so you still have to get a boot, but you don't necessarily need to hide it from your parents.

At this age I have begun to be way more open with my mom. My mom knows almost everything I do and lets me do ALMOST everything I want to. I still listen, but try to get my way by being a little stubborn.. for old times sakes ;) But shes a lot more reasonable with me because i've been able to show her that i'm growning up.. not physically but you know what I mean.

Well anyways my life is still on track with dance, but now getting paid to do it. Still working, saving, paying my bills(s). Now starting to go back to school. Oct 5 will be my first day of the REST OF MY LIFE! .... jk. But it will be the first day of school. Unfortunately I was unable to start in Aug due to minor set backs.. and because I really wanted to go to Toronto haha :) BUT its all good now, or for now at least.

Toronto was amazing, and still I can't get over the fact my mom even let me go with Kelvin. But i'm glad she did. I love waking up beside my baby, without a care in the world besides being there with him and living in the moment trying to capture what that moment feels like. Its hard to describe because its not just happiness.. its satisfaction and security. Its HAPISFACURITY. Yeah, that's what it is!

Life's good, and so is sleep. So that is what I am going to do now.

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