almost home free

may long weekend, was hella long, & i LOVED it

-ians burday, tan po po
took forever, but food was good

-1st drop-in, at drive w/marc leslie & stew
got icecream from MARBLE SLAB
(peach icecream w/frozen strawberries ;SO GOOD)
hit up engrish bay & had some greek

-birthdays bbq with the cousins
party with 1/4th of sss

-aunties birthday brunch
MAD shopping in poco :)

ANOTHER weekend gone by, and we're just that much closer to summer. can the weather just stay like this please? Lola's birthday last night was good. Happy 79th! stay healthy <3 The day was so nice.. it was warm all day. not too hot, not to cold.

i got less than a month less.. *sigh
i can do this.
when its over, i'll be homefree

at least until sept...
Me? a sullavin girl ?
we'll see how i fit in.

moving houses will be the worst part
.. not exactly looking forward to that
i'm sorry :(
I'll still visit! i promise :D

dads back from hawaii tmr.
i want to go there :(

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