How Far?

"How far will you go to prove to me that i'm wrong,
Show me that i'm strong,
By your words; through a song?
You see so much more in me that i can't see in myself,
Like i store it on a shelf,
But you make me bring it down by myself.
You make me go through those hard times just so i can realize
Those lies,
That i've been tryn'a hide
Deep inside
That i've been tryn' to escape.
So i can't fake it to the world,
You see i am your girl,
And nothing else matters in the world,
Except that you are with me.
Then again i ask you,
How far will you go
Just to let me know
That you'll still be here when i'm down,
Tell me
How far will you go?"
Look how far you went. & for me.. i made it this far, why stop trying now? I'm thankful for the pushes, for the forgiveness, for the arguments, and for the discipline. I needed all of that, and i'm thankful for it too. There is too much in the past to forget about in the future. I cannot go anywhere else but forwards from here. I'm not going back to that, i just know it. Just like i know that i'm going to prove it to them. I can't exactly explain, i just know. I just hope that you know too.
I can only be angry with myself, because thats who put me here

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