hard to please

honestly i think i am a little hard to please. i know, its not the best thing but i mean i think everybody is hard to please because everybody wants different things in certain ways. everything is going to be hard but in different amounts. the thing is you got to find a way to adapt and find the effort to make the adaptation. no kidding it might just be the hardest thing in the world beacause you may just be completly opposite, but its up to you to make it work.
so yes i admit, i am hard to please, but to make it work, its got to be 50/50, and i'm not going to let things slide.
i've become stronger and i know i have control of when to say "no". so when i do, which isn't very often, take it in a good way. take it in a way where no is good, for everybody & not just me, trust.
i can't create a good drawing anymore. where'd it go?
so much going on
so many missed oportunities
so many walls to hit
give me a break
i think bad luck is just falling right into the leos laps
seriously, i don't know what we did.
but we must have done something
cause it seems like we're paying for it now.
sorry to see you like this.
i wish i could do more,
i'm already doing as much as i can
love you.

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