Since the 28th...

I think i really need to get on that english homework i've been pushing back lately, but right now i'll just finish what i started.

30th - Collabo was fun. Vince, or should i say Taxi. Haha that's what you get for getting your N before everyone else :) Chilled with jel & played RockBand! "CitySand"

1st - Chadley's 17th Birthday! "meenat" / Sickstylz practice, where i got flipped accidentally and banged my head into anthony's leg! Thanks a lot! Mouth with braces + leg = blood & cuts... now =kanka sores :(

2nd - PRO D! Went downtown w/jel. Saw quite a bit of people while we were out.

3rd - Saturday was a "spend time with my parents" kinda day. Went out with mom in the am looking for grad shoes.. no luck. But we're checking the states next weekend. Got mc Ds & dairy queen, haha i was so happy :) Once i got home i left for a date... with my dad! And we went to the theaters & watched IRON MAN! Oh my goodness i'm in love with the iron man guy & the the whole movie in general. SO good. GO WATCH IT! I had fun with my dad :)

4th - Sickstylz... hardcore cardio/workout sesh. Haven't worked out like that since.. last years PE class when we'd have collabo/work out wednesdays. I really hope i don't feel it in the morning. Got home had bbq with dad & the gf, and my brother came over too. After dinner obviously we played rockband. It takes 1 dad and 1 son to play the drum's on medium, haha. It was fun.

For some reason it feels like the things i've done like a day or two ago seems so far away now. Weird. Anyways i'm glad i've been staying home more.. and spending time with the family. I'm try not to get my dad mad at me all the time. I think its working.
Still i've been stressing a lot lately. Why exactly, i don't know. Maybe i just need more sleep. My eating habits are fine.. well actually i've been eating a lot, but it's all good. I heard that if you don't get your 8 hours of sleep your systems all messed up and then it starts effecting your eating habits/diet, and makes your body crave things like foods that have a lot of sugar to keep you awake. That's why you crave for sweets because your body will start wanting the things it thinks it needs to get energy your going to need for the day. (i hope that sentence made sense..) I think that's whats been happening to me. I'm always wanting sweets, but i don't care cause i'm not really gaining anything haha. But i think i need to start gaining.. & growing. Stupid feet are so damn small i can't find any heels that fit me. That's why i'm having trouble finding grad shoes. *sigh... why do i have to be so small :(

thing's i've been working on:
-catch-up for english
-self time / sleeping
-staying home/ or just making my dad happy with me
-dunny painting

Most of its getting better. Mostly the last 3. & i'm satisfied with that :)
That's all it's about. Happiness.

Up coming events...
-jerome's birthday (6th)
-kuya's birthday (7th)
-last school dance (8th)
-MOTHER'S DAY (11th)

Till then, ¡Ciao!

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