Generation Girls - Kucha's - Noodle Parties

Missed you girls. Its been a while hasn't it. You moved into your new place in Sept and yesterday was my first time there. Haha it has been long. Last time we ate cupcakes was that last time we were were in Guildford. I had to get home still "full" on cupcakes. Freaking out cause I couldn't control myself, haha scared to death "Nek I'm going to die, nek i can't control myself, nek i feel like I'm in a game!" haha that was so funny. That was the day you gave me your pepper spray, hoping I'd get home safe. I did, but was hella paranoid haha. Yesterday gave me flashbacks from that day, but i handled it. It was probably all the breakfast food from Dedutch was what held me down. So good. Anyways I missed you girls.


Blogs are spots to let you talk about what ever you want. A lot of people use it for spots to let their feelings out. "Honestly expressing yourself ". I can't do that here. That kind of stuff is personal. I rather not have my feelings and personal life out in the public for people to read and talk about. My real blog spot is here.


Hearts are in different places

Minds are set at different paces

Words are being thrown out in the open with out going through the mind.

Everything that has happened, happened.

So I'm accepting it, and looking forward.

Stepping back so you can breath.

I put you through a lot,

and that pushed you towards hate for me.

I wish I could say sorry for how big this problem came to be.

But it actually wouldn't matter would it?

I think that friendSHIP has sailed,

and i just watched it go.

Not in hate, nor sadness,

not really in confusion either.

Just amazed how far and fast that ship sailed away.

I would have preferred if that ship never set sail.

But the passengers were just waiting for that anchor

to be dug out from the sand it was buried in and let free.

That anchor that held it back..

I guess you could see what that anchor was.

Everything that happened,

happened for a reason.

That's the way i look at it,

and since i look at it in that way

it is helping me accept everything for what it turned out to be.

you know when i said "i still.... & always will" i ment it, & still do. takecare

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