
Past few days have been reaaal good to me. I'm not even sure why, but my cheeks have been hurting cause i've been smiling so much. It feels good, it feels so damn good. Maybe cause the suns been peeking through, maybe cause schools been light, maybe cause my moms been understanding me, maybe cause IDCs coming up! Oh mann LG... as in Life's Good! : )

I'm seriously loving my Lit class. We have one of the best teachers. Mrs. Winters. First class I had with her I was very intimidated! Not going to lie, she looks like an evil cartoon character.. like she could be Cruela Devil. She even does the red nail polish and sometimes lipstick. She's def not afraid to call you out on ANYTHING! But over all shes real chill. After she's done teaching us what we have to learn she'll give us a break. She'd be like "okay well i don't want to start anything new so you guys can just chill, just don't kill each other" and there would still be like 20mins left of class haha. But no even the work is pretty fun, but at the same time we learn what we have to know. We get the best of both worlds.

Last day we had our student teacher come in as well. Our group of 3 had to understand this poem, really didn't catch my interest, it was the end of the day, and I just wasn't getting it. We were going through it with him, and i kept over analyzing everything. That's when he said it. K.I.S.S. which meant Keep It Simple Stupid. Haha he said the phrase first so i was a little dumbfounded when he called me stupid, but then he said "K.I.S.S." and explained. Haha, i thought it was pretty interesting, and very catchy. Oh lit12.

Blk B / Dance Elite / Spare ... what ever you want to call it, is getting more interesting every block. A few blks back we started to bring back old games. WAIT hold up, even before that we had a huge rant about "pickuplines" haha check out the video on FB! But anyways i brought up the "BEAT 1" clapping game. We ( who ever knew this game) tried to remember all the beats and taught it to the rest of the blk. Then the next blk we had we learned the rest of it, and also brought up the "AHHH BIIIG BOOTY BIG BOOTY BIG BOOTY UH HUH AHH YEAH BIG BOOTY UH HUH" clapping game. Hahaha so fun. We had the biggest circle made in the hub and just were yelling like we didn't care. Mann our thighs were hurting from slapping them. GOOD STUFF.

So I was bussing Friday night, and this family of 6 comes in. They are one of our usuals so I've seen them come in before. And so Kaela (one of our hostesses) seats them down, and passes by me and says "those kids love you," and I was confused. I didn't get how they "loved me" haha. There are 2 little boys (twins) around the age of 4/5, and 2 little girls at the age of 6/7. As i was bussing around the tables around them i noticed them looking at me smiling and giggling. I thought it was cute, but a bit awkward haha. So i went to go run some food to their table. As i did so their dad spoke up and was like "you see these 2 girls, and these 2 boys here? Well they love you. As soon as we walked in they were like 'shes here, shes working again!'" Throughout the night the one of the twins kept eyeing me throughout the night and smiling and waving. I thought it was the most cutest things! Then as i came by the table his dad was like "okay go give it to her" and he gave me a flower he made out of the Wiki sticks we put in the kids menu boxes. He was so sweet! I had the biggest "awe" look on my face said my thank you and gave him a hug. After i did that his sisters were laughing and said "ha ha your so happy" and were teasing their little brother. As they were leaving their family was at the door and the little boy came up to me again, and his dad gave him that extra push once again to say what he had to say. So the little boy came to me and asked me if i was going to be working again next week. HAHA IT WAS SO DAMN ADORABLE! I was so sad because i had to tell him that I wasn't because i was going to be in Seattle, but i told him that i would be there next week. Again his sisters were teasing and said "haha you got sad!" and they too made me little gifts out of their Wiki sticks. It really made my night. Haha that little boy is going to be one smooth guy with the ladies :) haha!

a.k.a. RAWB ,
thanks for not coming with me to get my shoes
and going to the states! Hum.. so much for making
your tattoo! Haha jk. KAY happy?!
better bee hummmmmm

saved the best for last:

1 comment(s):

A Therese said...

hi cas!!:)