not since GR6

I didn't see this day coming back. But it's official. The Parto sibling's are now living under one roof once again. This hasn't happened since i was in the 6th grade. It took a total of 6 years of moving from house to house. Shall i map it out..

mom's house: ryan, vanessa, & me
dad's house: -

mom's house: ryan, & me
dad's house: vanessa

(half of grade 9 i moved out)

mom's house: ryan
dad's house: vanessa & i

mom's house: ryan & me
dad's house: vanessa

but as of today its back to
mom's house: ryan, vanessa, & me

and my dads living with his girl, as well as my mom's bf is living with us.

amazing isn't it? i really do love my siblings, though i don't speak of them very often.
My brother Ryan, who is 5 years older than i, had recently got his first gig for DJing at C..C... uhm i forget the club. Its a strip club during the week, but on the weekend its a night club. The other day he was telling me about it. Explaining to me how many compliments he was getting, and i could tell just from the glow in his face and the way he told his story that he was proud, and i was proud of him. He's really into his music. His expertise: HIPHOP-HOUSE. Its the new thing my friends, get into it. You'll be hearing it more often. This is he..


By the time i'm legal to hit up the clubs he should be DJing for the bigger clubs, at least the ones i'll remember, or know of haha. Well at least i hope. From what i'm hearing from other people, and how he scratches at home i know he's got the potential. I'm one of his biggest fans. Yah yah shadddup. I love my kuya : )

As of my sister, well she's doing big things too. Currently working at ULounge in white rock, she is def one big indepentant diva. Sometimes its a bother.. but shes my sister, that's what shes there for. Shes soon going to be bar tending at nightclubs.. or thats what she implied. Either way shes doing her thing and doing it well.

Then theres me. Still underage so i'm not all up in that club scene but my time will come. And when its my turn i'll be dancing on the floor like there's no tomorrow. Or at least thats what i think i'll be doing. Who knows, maybe i wont be so into that clubbing scene hitting up the clubs every weekend, club hoppin', drinking till loose my memory. We'll thats not for another year and some, so we'll wait till then.


SPRING BREAK! no no wait...


Where'd my moniez go?
Still waiting on some incoming cash flow, and i get paid on wednesday. So i'll be good after that. Didn't realize that my Spring Break would be this busy. I thought i'd just be going thru with day-by-day sht. But nope. I got a schedual and i'm still trying to fit people in. Weird, that never happens haha. Well i guess its better that i'm keeping occupied. I wouldn't want to stay home anyways. My mind thinks too much when i'm at home, and not always in a good way. So this busy thing going on in my life is a good push away from the usual overthinking side of me.



-JOJO's house class at Harbour
(but gino obviously went over it haha)

-SSS practice


details shall we?

All staff members who were planning on going met up at BigRidge at 6. We all got on our bus and had some drinks. It took a lot less time then i thought. Or i just was enjoying it too much to notice how long the actual travel was haha. We got there and it was getting cloudy. So as soon as we got our cards we ran to the go karts since they were outside. Luckily for our group we got to go first. The last two groups got it bad. The snow came pouring down so they were soaked by the time they got back in haha! Played some DDR, bunch of mini games, DEAL OR NO DEAL and (saved the best for last) "BUMPER CARS WOOOOOO"! Hahaha that was the best part of the whole trip at CASTLE FUN PARK. The ride back was pretty fun too. Many of the staff members were still pretty drunk so they had some interesting conversations. It was almost like being on a party bus just without dancing. Oh how i miss party buses. Our bus was playing Family Guy, so that was another source of entertainment adding on to ppl watching on drunk staff members haha! Now i know how they are outside of work haha. BUT big ups to the man of the night BOSS CHRIS/ MR. FUNK. He was more cool with everything then i thought he would be.

I love BigRidge!

1 comment(s):

A Therese said...

thanks babe, you're such a sweetie (as per usual). but yes yes yes let's have an outting. stu's class at the drive friday! lemme knoooww

love yah