Hearing a lot of

"HE SAID..."

If something is known that I should know, don't tell me unless I'm allowed to know or I'm allowed to say something about it. Even if its something you think i should know the truth about, I rather not know. And if you do tell me, and its something that is effecting me, don't expect me to keep my mouth shut. You lost some-ones trust when you told me cause you broke a promise to keep your mouth shut, so it is bound to come out in some form of karma.

I just don't want to hear it, or deal with it. So i rather not know.


IDC weekend was an eye opener. Found out a lot about the members of sickStylz, and got another source of inspo. I had a real good time. I was happy with how it all went down, with the good and the bad. It was just a perfect amount of both sides. BUT i'll save the details for my "dancelife."


Been disconnected this whole weekend. So i haven't had a chance to read what everybody has been posting. But it looks like not a lot has changed, i'm glad i didn't miss out on that much. 

hum... i'm actually not sure where i'm going with this.

new topic 

Back to reality: 
-once we got back, it all started going down. the same bs. don't need it, don't give it to me. 
-this will be my annual day to repent  ; i'm sorry ; i'm ashamed
-what money?
-due dates, projects

love isn't reality, it is..
something i'm just not feeling right now. 
bad vibes 
intentions rise
i just want out.

its so early right now, i haven't eaten breakfast
and i don't know what i'm saying. 

"I'm just a [girl] whose intentions are good, oh lord please don't let me be misunderstood"

2 comment(s):

bryan. said...

cassss this is my bs!

Anonymous said...
