You're a true leader you know that? Even though we only stepped in for 10 mins or so i got a lot out of watching you take over like that. It's been interesting seeing you grow into what you are now, even though it has been from a far ever since I moved and changed schools. From checking you out from a far when you were in metal works and i was in woodworking (haha gr8), to watching you write poems in orca lane when we'd be hella early for school, to hearing you out at poetry slams, to making your own shows at school. I'm proud to have a friend like you. You may not know it, but it is a true inspiration to watch you evolve into who you are and what you have accomplished today. I'm proud of you. Keep doing what you're doing cause your good at doing it. Haha :)




2 comment(s):

kylie clark said...

Its such a good song!

Anonymous said...