18 years later

Woke up did my nails, heard the doorbell ring. Mom answered; it was Kelvin. He told me to get my ass ready cause my first surprise was incorporated with an appointment at 2. Showered, dressed into my brand new dress I bought the other day & got into the car. Traffic was growing on the highway so Kelvin called this man we had an appointment with. On the way Kelvin says to me "anything I show you, you have to pick out, no matter what you can't say no." In my head I'm thinking that its some sort of ride we're taking and he's talking to the driver. Little did I know I was to later find out that I was soo wrong. We got to this place downtown that read "142 DYNAMO Art Association". Earlier at my house while I was getting ready we talked about how my favorite artist, Peter Taylor, didn't have anymore pieces for sale since Kelvin tried to buy one for me as a gift. So while we're in front of this Art Association I'm thinking that I get to pick out some art supplies for myself. We're earlier then we expected to be so we're standing out side just waiting for this man that Kelvin was conversing with during the ride over. We see this man come over on a bike, he gets off and says "Hey you kelvin?" Kelvin replies with a yes and puts out his hand and says to me "Hi, I'm Peter" .. And right then I froze up and all I'm thinking of is OMG IS THIS REALLY PETER FCKING TAYLOR?!?!

He opens up the door and we head upstairs while I'm grabbing Kelvin's arm and you could just see in my eyes that I was screaming inside! We get upstairs and all I see is canvases, paints, and Peter Taylor's art space and work. He starts open boxes and continues to layout his pieces and Kelvin says to me "So which one do you like?" I got to pick out one of Peter Taylor original pieces for myself.

The whole time I was watching him take out each frame I was just stunned and totally speechless.. I don't ever think I've felt like that before. It was as if I saw a celebrity because to me he is one. Just an amazingly nice guy that happens to create masterpieces which I just adore! I finally got to pick out one that really caught my eye. All in one I could see the body language as life that had a sort of confusion but showed calmness and happiness at the same time. Using mixed media just summed it up and I knew that was the one I wanted and got. Peter wrapped it up himself and gave it to me. Being a big dorky fan I asked if I could take a picture with the artist, and being as nice as he was he did not have a problem with it at all. He let us out and for the rest of the day I had a permanent stain of a smile on my face just blown away by what had just happened! I was ready to just go home because that was the most amazingly thoughtful and nice that was of Kelvin to do. Yet it was just the beginning.

Next we drove closer to PC and parked. This next surprise was just as thoughtful as the first. Kelvin knew how much I adored roller blading so he took me to get a new pair of blades for the both of us. We headed down by the sea and started blading the sea wall. Something I always wanted todo but never got around to doing it. The sun was being generous and wasn't too hot for us to be out skating around.

The views we're gorgeous and the conversation and just time spent together was a heart full. We ended up at English Bay and decided to stick around there to relax and enjoy the sun calmly. Enough sun was soaked up so we were back on our feet but now walking up Robson on our way to Mikes house where Kelvin got to meet Leo, Virnie, Rawb, and obviously Mike. They approved of him and I was happy haha. Finally we got back to the car and headed to Langley where we dined at the one and only Olive Garden. Had delicious appys and a well prepared steak and pasta meal.

During the dinner Peters name came up in conversation again because I was still stunned by what happened earlier that morning. Kelvin had given me his number and I decided to send him a text msg. The only other communication that has ever been between me and Peter was on myspace about a year ago. I tagged him in a picture because I was wearing one of his shirts and he commented on it "nice shirt, cute girl ;)" and that made me happy and became something I would not forget. But I'm sure he sees things like that all the time, so here I am thinking he's not going to remember who I am. And I go off sending this text that's just saying thank you for having me and my bf come down to your studio, it was a pleasure, etc etc. A couple mins later I receive a text back from him saying

"No problem at all. I'm glad you like my work. Its a very generous gift I hope you enjoy it for years to come. You look familiar, myspace?"

OH MY GOODNESS he remembered me! I tried to keep my cool after freaking out in the restaurant ,smiling till my cheeks hurt and staring at kelvin in amazment! I send a msg back saying yeah I can't believe you remember, I didn't think you would. And his respond was...

"I thought that was you. You smile with your whole self, its memorable. You two should find me on facebook and I'll keep you posted on shows"

Right then and there my heart melted and I just became the happiest girls in the world. I let my self cool down before I sent another msg so I wouldn't sound like a total dork. I told him that he was really sweet to say that and blah blah blah. O I did end up adding him on fb and he greeted me another happy birthday.

We finaly headed back to my place around 11 where Serena and Mark stopped by to give me a cake and made me blow out candles :) My last gift was given to me by Kelvin but this one I already knew I was getting because he made me pick it out. This gorgeous purse from roots. Still he managed to add in a surprise to that one too, and inside the bag that I picked out he had picked out another purse and gave that to me too. My boyfriend has good taste. But my most favorite gift of all was his card. A card that opened up 4 bears long which had Kelvin's lovely heartfelt words written inside just for me. I don't get why he's so good with words. I can never stop reading all the things he's ever written to me over and over. From yearbook pages to little notes in my planner to birthday cards like this one. I'm in awe every time no matter how man times I've read the same passages.

He stayed the night until 5am. I'm glad my mom doesn't mind him over that late. Or early. Everything was just amazing. I love meaningful gifts the most. I love surprises. I love my boyfriend.

So grateful to have someone like you in my life.

"I know I know I know"

From hundreds of miles you cry like a baby
You plead with me, shout, scream, tell me I'm staying
I know I know I know, I'm still your love

Back from the last place that I wanted to fake you
Laugh with me, shout, scream now tell me you're staying
I know I know I know, you're still my love

The same as I love you, you'll always love me too
This love isn't good unless it's me and you
Box after box and you're still by my side
The weather is changing and breaking my stride
I know I know I know, it's just this day

House after house, just like car after car
You see club after club and it all seems so far
I know I know I know what else are we here for

The same as I love you, you'll always love me too
This love isn't good unless it's me and you
Stick your hands inside of my pockets
Keep them warm while I'm still here
Tell them this love hasn't changed me, hasn't changed me at all

Last night I was writing about you
I know my screaming and shouting won't keep you
I know I know I know, you're still my love
I wake up to the sound of you working
You're one room right over, stressing and loving me
I know I know I know, be still my love

The same as I love you, you'll always love me too
This love isn't good unless it's me and you
Stick your hands inside of my pockets
Keep them warm while I'm still here
Tell them this love hasn't changed me, hasn't changed me at all
Stick your heart inside of my chest
Keep it warm here while we rest
Tell them this love hasn't changed me, hasn't changed me at all

The same as I love you, you'll always love me too
This love isn't good unless it's me & you
The same as I love you, you'll always love me too
This love isn't good unless it's me and you

You're leaving way sooner then I hope you would. & these couple days are just a taste of what september will be like. "I know i know i know, its just this day" ... i really want T.O. to happen. I've got high hopes.


That's why I love opening gifts! Because I have no idea of what I'll be receiving!

Yup sorry to have to choose favorites but my most favorite gift was the 3huge canvases and paint bottles I got from Kathleen and Kaley! Just what I needed!

All the other gifts were amazing though. Since just about everyone's gifts were just more then a present to put in a box. They all had some sort of meaning behind it. Paints, dunnies, make-your-own munnies etc etc.. <3

I enjoyed every bit of the debut, but the beginning was hella stressful. I'm so glad its all over now! Finally have time to get out of the house, go out, take classes, and enjoy the sun again. No more planning no more practices.. Though those were fun :).. And no more stress!

More time for me and my baby.. which was the photographer for this picture up there. Yeah not a great photographer but he gets the idea ;P

Can't wait for my actual birthday! Omgosh more surprises then yay!
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...said love.

PC: Hi, my names PC.
Kelvin: I'm Kelvin, but you can call me Edwards Kelvin.

As our conversation goes on with different names for our different sides of personality...

Douglas/ the one I have yet to fully meet because he only shows face to the ones he can fully let in.

Kelvin/ the one that is a stud but a total dork/nerd at the same time "I'm not going to lie" ;) & the very one that fell for Cas

Edwards-Kelvin (*cough cough* Edward-Cullin)/ the one that tries to be suave and seductive.. Aka mr pepe le pa**** haha!

Casandra/ the one that is overly ticklish and giggles at every touch. Especially around the neck!

Cas/ the one that stole Kelvins heart in grade 8 "the first time I saw her was the last time I saw my heart" haha! Also the one that's like Casandra just not ticklish and like PC but not as.. Yeah.

PC/(BG history of where the name originated from: t'was once Kelvin and Malcolms nickname for Cas but became name for a certain personality) the one that's not PDA disapproving. (She only does come out in private though..)

Kelvin: I'm not going to lie, I do like Cas a lot more.
PC: Oh really? Well she's one lucky girl.
Kelvin: I actually think that I might love her, but I'm afraid.
PC: Why afraid?
Kelvin: Because I'm afraid that I might be in love with her...

[Conversation carried on with PC spoiling Cas' secret on how she feels the same way he does..]


He...said love. From that moment I looked at him different. The way I didn't think I would look at him because I've gone through that look once before but I didn't think I could give that look to anyone else. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to fall in love. That my first love could never be compared. Though my first love will always be my first love and will always have that special part of me I also learned that when you've lost that love you could find it again one day. I think I found mine today. And I knew because at that moment "nothing even [mattered] at all..[His] love makes me feel ten feet tall without it I'd go through withdrawal 'cause nothing even matters at all".

I really didn't think I could ever love anyone like I did my first love.. But you're definitely showing me there's hope. But I'm really going to be going through withdrawal after Aug11. Cause really who's going watch movies in the basement with me my mom and bruce and then stay to keep me up till 3am. And then who's going to have to wake me up at 4am just so I could let you out of my house since you don't have a key.. Yet. And who's going to come over and play NHL with gino and chad while I have girl time with carmen? Who's going to bring me roots pants? Who's going to call me beautiful after a sweet simple kiss? Who's going to do all that & so much more? No one but Douglas Kelvin Edwards could do that..

So you better do what you say and come down as much as you can, but still stay focused with school.

The night ended with...

Kelvin: You know I meant every word I said
Cas: so did I.

I guess I really did want you to just SAY LOVE.

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I miss baby girl so much. She's so grown now.

Sorry I can't be there to see you grow into a little lady..
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Everythings going to be okay

Not having it..

Fcking tables.. Organize yourself!
Ahh unnecessary fighting between mom & dad.. JUST GET ALONG ALREADY!

FUCK IT! I'm calling it a night

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That was quick!

After teaching my first dance class of the summer @ the Scotiabank Dance Centre (which was indeed a success :) I walked out at 9:50 into the dark and rainy streets. & what do I see? Kelvin crossing the street with the umbrella in one hand and flowers in the other. It was a comforting sight to see after being so nervous and on the toes the whole day about teaching. He knew I've never eaten at Steffos before so he surprised me by taking me there. Sitting by the dim candle light on our table just set the mood. Unfortunately our conversation started off with bad news. His "surprise" wasn't going to happen and my chances of leaving vancouver with him was a no go. But as soon as the food came our mouths were full and no more bad news could escape our mouths. All ended well with some food to take home and a new first time memory. Heading back home to surrey is always good times. I love our car conversations. Sharing songs explaining their meanings and some what relating them to our very own relationship.. Or life in general. Back at my place by 1130 and on goes "Donnie Darko" .. Which was not scary at all. Just philosophical and creepy! Movie was followed by an intense chess game! Which I lost.. yeah :T I'm going to practice! And the photo shoot began. Haha okay so all our other pictures are too much for everyone else to see so that's why that picture up there was put up. It was the only decent one haha. Ate some pie, had our kitchen conversations and 430am hit. Our night was over.

You know out of this whole month we've been together we did everything we've already done in that one night.

After commencement - late night kitchen conversation

Watch a movie in my theater downstairs

Eat out somewhere you take me by surprise

Car conversations

Oh and I guess we didn't watch a live play that night but that's ok.

Everything in life cannot be categorized into either Fear or Love.
Since "Fear is the heart of Love"

...& she followed him into the dark

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have a lot of know

Yeah usually I'd be the optimistic one. You know, just laughing it off, making everything seem a little happier. But every time we see each other we get closer to saying goodbye. & its hitting me harder then i thought it would. Thanks for keeping that smile on my face. I don't know how you do it but you just do. I guess I'm feeling like this because i have a lot of know. I know what it will be like when time comes for us to say good bye, and i know how I'm going to feel knowing your going to be there for me but not the way i want you to be. Months will pass by with out us seeing eye to eye and our contact will shorten when our schedules don't match. But that doesn't mean our thoughts wont be shared and our "like" won't be there. But i got to stop thinking about this. Me being pessimistic doesn't go well together. I got to stop thinking about what i know and what will come & start appreciating what i have.

1month went by faster then i thought


I went to kareoke for the first time last night. Was my fortune cookie ever right?
I became intoxicated quite quickly so my first hour was dope. I'm pretty sure I rocked that tambourine just brilliantly! Our hour ended so quickly and we had to bounce cause other people were waiting for the room. Luckily brenden knows the people so they were cool with what ever.

2nd hour we went to a different kareoke place across the street. that next hour I was having way too much fun and was quite comfortable haha! Then my song came on. "Waterfalls" by TLC! Yeah they let me sing it cause they knew I wanted to. I was pretty drunk so I was acting like a show off when if came to Left eyes part. Right when the rapping came on I stood up and faced the back of the wall and rapped out Lefteyes whole verse cause I knew it off by heart! And when the song ended I remember I kept repeating "RIP LISA LEFTEYE LOPEZ, I LOVE YOU GIRL!" Hahaha yeah FUN!

I'm sure my student Juan from spain had a pretty good time too, he sang along with the songs he knew and said he had fun :)

Thanks Vanessa, Kara, Tia, Annie, Kevin, Brenden, Malcolm, Gino, Juan, and Kelvin! We are definitely doing that again!

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Say Puppy Love

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