have a lot of know

Yeah usually I'd be the optimistic one. You know, just laughing it off, making everything seem a little happier. But every time we see each other we get closer to saying goodbye. & its hitting me harder then i thought it would. Thanks for keeping that smile on my face. I don't know how you do it but you just do. I guess I'm feeling like this because i have a lot of know. I know what it will be like when time comes for us to say good bye, and i know how I'm going to feel knowing your going to be there for me but not the way i want you to be. Months will pass by with out us seeing eye to eye and our contact will shorten when our schedules don't match. But that doesn't mean our thoughts wont be shared and our "like" won't be there. But i got to stop thinking about this. Me being pessimistic doesn't go well together. I got to stop thinking about what i know and what will come & start appreciating what i have.

1month went by faster then i thought

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